
Thursday, September 30, 2004

Handy Dandy Debate Scorecard

(CBS) By Jarrett Murphy,
CBSNews.com producer

More than 200 years after Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr settled their differences with pistols on the shores of the Hudson, President Bush and John Kerry will engage Thursday in the modern – and somewhat more civilized – form of political combat.

Their debate, which will focus on foreign policy, will turn on a number of crucial questions, like what to do in Iraq, how to deal with nuclear ambitions in Iran and North Korea and how to fight AIDS.

But the major question, of course, will be, "Who won?"

That's especially crucial for Kerry, said University of Virginia professor Larry Sabato.

"Because he's behind he has to be more aggressive," Sabato said. "A tie is good enough for Bush. A win is necessary for Kerry and particularly in the first debate," because people tend to tune out after that.
As soon as the candidates depart the stage, party spin-meisters will say who they think won, and the media will start analyzing how well the competitors did.

But before they make their picks, those of you scoring at home can use this handy guide to rate key parts of the debate:

1) Firing Up And Reaching Out
Candidates face a twin task in debates, Sabato said, a wrinkle that the media often misses.

"The candidate has to charge up his base, charge up the partisans, so that the next week, the next month they're still talking about the great job their candidate did," he said. "At the same time the candidate has to say things that appeal to people who aren't swayed by partisanship."

But that's hard to do, Sabato said. So…

Give 5 points to a candidate if he speaks to the undecided, 5 points if he pumps up the partisans and a bonus point if he does both.

2) Just The Facts
In the first debate of 2000, Al Gore said that in 1998 he had "accompanied (FEMA director) James Lee Witt down to Texas when those fires broke out."

Only he hadn't. At the next debate, he had to admit to moderator Jim Lehrer, "I got some of the details wrong last week in some of the examples that I used, Jim, and I'm sorry about that."

Gore isn't the only one who's goofed on the debate stage. In 1976, President Ford famously, and erroneously, claimed there was "no Soviet domination of Eastern Europe."

Indeed, mistakes happen in debates, and they can be costly.

"I think that most people get a larger impression of the debates, but the press fixates on the mistakes, so if a mistake is made in the debate that becomes a big part of the press coverage," Alan Schroeder, a Northeastern University journalism professor and author of the book "Presidential Debates," said. "Sometimes that has the potential to sway opinions."

Deduct 1 point for each mistake.

3) Mr. Nice Guy
Attitude can be everything in a debate. Schroeder said a candidate must "take command. That means going on the offense rather than the defense because then you can push the subjects that you want to push and make the other guy react to you."

Another key, says Schroeder, is to "try to make an emotional connection to the audience, so that it isn't just about your policy positions, it's about who you are as a human being."

In addition, "I think good debaters are relaxed and want to be there," says Schroeder. Voters like someone who "seems like he is in his element" rather than one who "wishes he is somewhere else."

A case in point: Mr. Bush's father made a terrible impression when he checked his watch during the second debate in 1992.

Attitude can be important not only to who wins the debate, but to long-term impressions of the candidates. In 2000, Sabato says, "Gore just turned people off with the sighing, the invading Bush's space."

"It wasn't so much that Bush did beautifully," he said. "Bush did all right. Gore just blew it."

If either candidate "blows it" on attitude, take away 2 points. Add 2 points if, instead, they make you want to be their friend.

4) The Big Line
From Ronald Reagan's "There you go, again" in 1980 to Lloyd Bentsen's "You are no Jack Kennedy," a good zinger can be the most memorable part of a debate.

"They both have these lines they go in with that they will try to work into the debate," says Schroeder, including jokes, barbs for their opponent and memorable phrases.

"They go in with a lot of ammo in the way of scripted remarks. The question is, do you have a chance to use your ammo and can you make it seem natural?" Schroeder adds.

Give 1 point to each candidate who drops a good one-liner.

5) Looks Are (Almost) Everything
Style is at least as important as substance in the debates; candidates have to "look presidential," or at least not really bad.

This is why the debate rules agreed to by the campaigns require the debate commission to inform both camps at least three days in advance what color the backdrop will be, and to have the set completed and lit by the day before the debate.

The rules also specify that, "each candidate may use his own makeup person."

Makeup is widely considered to have made a major difference in 1960, when Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy faced off in the first televised debates.

Nixon, a skilled debater, was deemed the winner by people who listened to the debate on radio. But Kennedy won on television, perhaps because he was tanned and had used makeup, while Nixon had just emerged from the hospital and declined any face paint.

In Al Gore's case, on the other hand, the problem was too much makeup. He looked a little plastic to some viewers, including TV comic Jay Leno, who joked that cosmetic company stocks had tumbled because "after the second debate, Al Gore's cut way back on how much makeup. That's going to affect sales."

Give a candidate 1 point if he looks marvelous.

6) The Main Idea
Amid all the posturing and image making, a debate is ultimately about ideas. And the closing statement allows candidates to frame the voters' choice. Plus, since many voters tune out of the campaign as soon as the debate ends, it could be a candidate's last chance to make an impression.

Reagan's closing line in the 1980 debate – "Are you better off than you were four years ago?" – is the best example of how to make a simple, critical idea stick.

"Is it easier for you to go and buy things in the stores than it was four years ago?" Reagan asked. "Is there more or less unemployment in the country than there was four years ago? Is America as respected throughout the world as it was? Do you feel that our security is as safe, that we're as strong as we were four years ago?"

Most voters evidently thought the answer was no, and Reagan triumphed.

If a candidate closes strong, give him 3 points.

7) The Expectations Test
As soon as the microphones are off, media commentators will begin talking about how the candidates did – not just versus each other, but against the expectations each faced.

Did the president mangle his words? Was Kerry rambling and wooden?

According to Schroeder, the "expectations game" developed in the late 1980s. It occurred, he said, "because debates are hard to score, because so much of the way you respond is subjective."

"Reporters are always looking some less subjective measure to judge by," he said. The expectations game seems to provide that.

But Sabato notes that while the media spin matters it also "goes in different directions."

If a candidate exceeds your expectations, give him 1 point.

The other "expectations" game for the two contenders to get right is each man's expectation of what the debate can do for his fortunes.

A recent CBS News poll indicates that 27 percent of respondents believe the debates will impact their decision on Election Day. While 27 percent looms large in a tight election, a solid 70 percent say the candidate clashes won't bear on their ballot.

A review of past CBS News polls shows debates have only a minor impact. In 1980 and 1996, the debates had negligible impact on the polls. In 1984, a majority believed Walter Mondale won the first debate but that barely dented Reagan's lead in the horserace. Ross Perot was believed to have won the first debate in 1992, but still came nowhere near even a second place position in the overall contest.

In fact, Sabato can think of only one example where a candidate who was behind in the polls used a debate performance to catapult ahead: George W. Bush in 2000, who enjoyed a ten-point swing in some polls, due mainly to Gore's poor showing.

"Kerry has to be the George W. Bush of 2004."

Tally up your points.

Go to bed.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Top Ten Ways CBS News Can Improve Its Reputation

10. Stick to stories everyone can agree on, like cookies are delicious.

9. Move nightly "happy hour" to after the broadcast.

8. Stop hiring guys with crazy names like "Morley."

7. Can't figure out if a news story is true? Let Judge Joe Brown decide.

6. Every time Mike Wallace tells a lie he gets a life-threatening electrical shock.

5. Newsroom patrolled by some kind of lovable but strict "truth monkey."

4. If it turns out the story is wrong, give away 276 brand new cars.

3. After delivering a report, correspondent must add, "Or maybe not--who knows?"

2. Newscast consists of Dan Rather sitting down to watch Tom Brokaw.

1. Oh, I dunno, stop making up crap?

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Kerry Criticizing Allawi While He 'Thanks America'

Allawi: We Iraqis are grateful to you, America, for your leadership and your sacrifice for our liberation and our opportunity to start anew.

Transcript: Allawi Thanks America

Before I turn to my government's plan for Iraq, I have three important messages for you today.

First, we are succeeding in Iraq.

The second message is quite simple and one that I would like to deliver directly from my people to yours: Thank you, America.

We Iraqis are grateful to you, America, for your leadership and your sacrifice for our liberation and our opportunity to start anew.

Third, I stand here today as the prime minister of a country emerging finally from dark ages of violence, aggression, corruption and greed.

My friends, today we are better off, you are better off and the world is better off without Saddam Hussein.

Joe Lockhart, a senior Kerry adviser: The last thing you want to be seen as is a puppet of the United States, and you can almost see the hand underneath the shirt today moving the lips.

Instapundit: This is behavior that is absolutely unacceptable coming from a Presidential campaign in wartime, and it's not an isolated incident but part of a pattern of such behavior.

Joe Lockhart should apologize for these remarks, and Kerry should fire him. Otherwise you're going to hear a lot of people questioning Kerry's patriotism. And they'll be right to.

Greg Djerejian: Remember, Kerry may need to work with this so-called "puppet" in the future. Regardless, this is astonishingly irresponsible campaign rhetoric from a key member of the challenger's campaign team.

To malign the serving PM of Iraq as appearing a "puppet" plays right into the handbook of insurgents operating in Iraq. I'm truly shocked Kerry would ostensibly authorize such an inflammatory statement.

The final, fatal mistake was criticizing and contradicting Iraqi Prime Minister Ayad Allawi when he was visiting the U.S. Kerry is in a very difficult position needing to criticize Bush's handling of the war, because the criticism itself seems damaging to the war effort.

Bringing Allawi to the U.S. and linking him to the Bush campaign message was a powerful political move by Bush... it forced Kerry into a terrible blunder. The grisly takedown has begun:

BUSH: This brave man came to our country to talk about how he's risking his life for a free Iraq, which helps America. And Sen. Kerry held a press conference and questioned Mr. Allawi's credibility. You can't lead this country if your ally in Iraq feels like you question his credibility.

CHENEY: I must say I was appalled at the complete lack of respect Sen. Kerry showed for this man of courage. Ayad Allawi is our ally. He stands beside us in the war against terror. John Kerry is trying to tear him down and to trash all the good that has been accomplished, and his words are destructive."

Kerry will never dig himself out of this one, I think. And any time he makes his old favorite argument that he is much better suited for interaction with our allies, his Allawi blunder will be thrown in his face.

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Teresa: 'Where's the Bar?'

NewsMax: Tart-tongued Teresa Heinz has become famous for what she describes as her "opinionated" observations, which range from calling critics "idiots" and "scumbags" to telling reporters to "shove it."

But in private, the Pittsburgh billionairess sometimes just wants to relax and have fun.

Such was the case last weekend, when reporters caught up with Heinz and her presidential wannabe spouse outside a Boston restaurant.

Reported the Associated Press.

"Last Saturday night, they emerged from a Boston restaurant to face a waiting crowd of media and onlookers. Heinz Kerry, who says she is actually very shy, didn't seem so as she danced a little jig in the glow of the TV camera lights. ...

"The scene attracted onlookers on the sidewalks and some in passing cars who shouted words of encouragement to Kerry.

The couple recognized a few young reporters in one passing cab, and Heinz Kerry leaned in the window playfully asking, 'Where's the bar? Where's the bar?' as if she were going to join them."

The AP added, "Her husband finally pulled her away by the hand with a broad smile on his face."

Thursday, September 23, 2004


Well it is now officially fall – it’s hard to believe it’s officially fall. That’s what I miss back east – the fall colors. See it’s so different out here in Los Angeles. See out here when we have bright orange, yellow, and reds, it just means all the trees are on fire.

Yesterday President Bush gave a speech at the United Nations. I don’t want to say it was a hostile crowd but they had bush stand behind a screen of made of chicken wire.

At one point, Bush said, "We are determined to destroy terror networks wherever they operate.” Although by "terror network” it’s not clear if he meant al Qaeda or CBS.

You know about this, right? CBS now admits they were misled by an unreliable source. I believe his name was "Daniel Rather."

We all know Dan Rather, now being called the man who put the ‘BS’ in CBS.

There are rumors that Dan Rather could lose his job over this. Wouldn’t that be ironic? Another American losing his job due to President Bush.

Ralph Nader’s campaign officials say that he is on the ballot in 29 states. Twenty-nine states. Thirty-one states if you count hopelessness and delusion.

Saddam Hussein is now reportedly depressed and begging for mercy. You know I didn’t even know he was a Mets fan.

That was in today’s "New York Times”, they said Saddam Hussein is depressed but defiant and still claims that he’s the constitutionally elected president of his country. So basically, he’s the Iraqi Al Gore.

"US Weekly” says that Britney Spears may have faked her wedding. How ‘bout that – Britney Spears can fool the American public, but Dan Rather can’t.

For the first time ever an organized baseball game was played in Iraq. I’m glad there wasn’t a chair throwing incident like the one that happened in San Francisco. Cause the last thing you want to see is the Shiite hit the fan.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004


I’m sure you heard the big news, a mistake in judgment was finally admitted to today. But enough about the Britney Spears marriage!!

Welcome to day four of the Britney Spears marriage marathon!

How many had 60 hours in the office pool?

Well folks, the ratings are in and the Emmys did not do well at all. In fact, they were actually beaten by "60 Minutes”. How amazing is that? A show where everybody is fake or phony and self-righteous beating out the Emmys.

CBS news issued a statement today that said this will be the last time they buy documents off of Ebay.

President Bush spoke to the United Nations today. The bad news, the nations are united against us.

This morning President Bush spoke to the United Nations. A little later John Kerry spoke at a live press conference that was seen around the world. And then Ralph Nader spoke to some people who were having lunch next to him at the International House of Pancakes.

At his big press conference John Kerry introduced his four point plan for Iraq. That was one point for each of his positions.

Bush and Kerry have agreed to three debates. The first debate will cover the 1960’s and the second debate the early 70’s and in the third debate if there’s time, some topical issues.

They say John Kerry has already begun preparing for the debates. He's thinking of starting off by having his wife buy everyone in the audience a new car.

John Kerry is also going to appear on Dr. Phil’s show this week and not to be outdone, John Edwards is taping an episode of "Where Are They Now?”

In a big press conference, Martha Stewart announced she is ready for prison. So apparently she already has her Christmas shopping done!

Some sad news – "Home Alone” star MaCaulay Culkin was arrested in Oklahoma City for possession of marijuana and drugs without a prescription. I hope this won’t reflect poorly on other former child actors.

They say this could be the last season for "The West Wing”. Imagine that? So next year liberals won’t even be in control of the fake White House.

"Ordinary people, sitting at home, with computers, were able to expose in two hours that CBS was perpetrating a fraud on the American people. This would not have happened 16 years ago."

Triumph of the New Media: you and me.

Ordinary Americans Brought Down CBS

CALLER: Rush, you have taught your listeners to look at news stories and current events in general with a critical eye, and I've noticed this evolving within myself over the years. And as I witnessed the CBS story unfold at my favorite blog I realized that that was the pinnacle of these lessons on an individual level, and also throughout your audience and in America, and it's even apparent that the media is influenced by you, the Limbaugh Institute for Advanced Conservative Studies. And I wanted to thank you personally and on behalf of all others who have similarly benefited from your lessons and insight and wisdom.

It has been my attempt to explain to people how it works so they can understand when they watch it or read it what they're actually seeing and what the motivations are, and what he's saying is that this is the ultimate example of what those of us who have been sounding these warning bells, raising these red flags have been talking about.

So, yeah, I mean, it's not correct to say I'm targeting the media. Those of you new to this program, and you're trying to figure it out and you're trying to balance what you hear here with all this criticism you may have heard over the years from people who have not listened to this program or not listened to it very much, you've probably heard that I'm a mean-spirited extremist, cold-hearted, cruel bigot, make things up just to fit my agenda and all that. And of course you probably also believe that I go through the newspapers every day looking for any target that I can find to attack, and, of course, that's not what happens. From the get-go, what I have done on this program is get up and look at how the institutions, traditions, and people I believe in are under attack, and then I defend them. And in the process of mounting a defense of the things I believe in and the people I believe in, it is incumbent upon me, as part of the defense, to try to explain the attacks that are being made by the people that bother me. And so it's basically true to say that the focus of this program has been the American left and whoever is on it.

Wherever I go, wherever the American left takes -- if it's the animal rights movement, if it's the wacko environmental movement, if it's elements of the media, if it's the Democratic Party, if it's the Soviet Union, that's what I criticize, and always have. And of course it's quite understandable the people who exist in those groups don't like being criticized, especially when it never stuck before and they had a monopoly for all those years. And now it's falling apart on them. It's understandable that they wouldn't have anything nice to say about me, it's understandable that they would be doing whatever they can to discredit me. It's part of the game. It's the league that we play in here. So it's part and parcel of it.


I want to say something about the CBS business and the bloggers. There's a lot to be said about this, actually, based on this last call that we took from the gentleman who wanted to thank me for the information and the guidance over the years of learning to translate and dissect what is happening in left-wing America, including the media. Over the course of these 16 years that I have served behind the Golden EIB Microphone, many people have expressed gratitude and I'm overwhelmed on all occasions to receive it, because I'm just a guy on the radio that has access to a microphone and has the ability to be honest about what I think, and the fact that it caught on was a huge thrill. It was not a grand strategy, just went out and did it.

Over the course of these 16 years, when this program started in 1988 in August, I mean the first year, every caller would call here and say, "This is just great! I'm
so glad finally there's somebody in the national media that says what I say and thinks what I think." And what happened was this program did not create mind-numbed robots, it validated a whole lot of thinking that already existed in America, but the people that thought and felt that way didn't see it reflected back at them in any media. All they saw was the things that they hold dear and their beliefs being laughed at and impugned, and in some cases destroyed, or attempted to be destroyed. So people would say to me during the course of the growth of this show, "You know, we could use a lot of people like you." And I would always say, "No, no, we don't need any more people like me. I can handle it." And I was just being humorous. But what's happened in these 16 years is that there are now countless people like me.

You look at the growth of the so-called alternative or new media, and I don't care where you take it, you take it to talk radio, Fox News, the Internet, the blogosphere, whatever you want to call it, the Washington Times, the new emphasis on conservative magazines and their impact, there are countless people like me out there, and it's terrific. And you know what's happened? You take a look at the CBS story. One of the things that I have always said about this country, one of the ways I've always described this country, to try to convey my deep love for it to people and to try to convey just how unique the country is and just who makes it work. It's a favorite phrase of mine actually looking out across America and finding who is it that makes this country work, and it's not Tom Daschle, and it isn't John Kerry, and it's not John McCain, and it's nobody in Washington.

The people who make this country work are people you'll never meet, people whose names you'll never know, because they're just toiling away living their lives, trying to do the best they can against whatever obstacles they face. They're not seeking fame and they're not finding it, and nobody is making stories about them, but the vast, vast, vast majority of the people in this country who make it work will never, ever be known nationally. Known by their friends, known by their communities and neighbors, but who are these people? These are not people that exist in the ebb and flow of media every day, they don't have time for it. They are people who have their own passions; they have their own dreams, and they're out there following them every day. They're out there living their lives. And if they've got time for media they squeeze it in whenever. Some people more than others, but I'll tell you, if everybody is watching TV all day we wouldn't have the GDP we do. If everybody was listening to radio all day we wouldn't have the GDP we do.

There are a lot of people out there that really make this country work, you start talking about who are heroes and who are not heroes and we loosely define it now. But there's a lot of people out there doing things that very few of us would do, and they're not complaining about it, and they do it because they like it. And one of the bounties of freedom, as opposed to oppression, in an oppressive society the state goes and finds people to dig ditches and they go find people to work in sewers, and they go find people to do long haul truck driving, any job. They go find people that are going to be doctors someplace.

In our country people who want to do those things do it. Some don't want to do it but have to as a means of getting somewhere else. But people are nevertheless out there engaging in whatever it is that inspires them or motivates them. And at the same time all this is happening, this radio program is growing and all these people when they did have time to access media got a little different take on things and they found out that there's a little different coloring to the mainstream press nowadays than there was say 15 or 16 years ago. All of these people that told me over the years, "Boy we could use a whole lot more people like you," and I jokingly said, "No, I can handle it." Well, there have been countless people like me out there. And among them, and this, by the way, these -- I forgot my place for a second, but this group of people that we never will ever know, these people are not seeking fame, these people are just making the country work, they live in a society which permits ordinary people to do extraordinary things. That's one of my favorite phrases to describe this country: ordinary people accomplishing extraordinary things, every day. It happens every day in this country. We wouldn't be the country we are if it weren't happening. That's why I'm just so impatient with all the negativism that emanates from wherever it emanates. I don't understand it, there's no reason for it. Yeah, life has ups and downs, but when you look at the overall potential and opportunity that every American has to explore each and every day, there's not time to be depressed about it. Now, most people, a lot of people still do get depressed, and it's a shame and so forth, but still the opportunity here is there. And when you have all these ordinary people accomplishing extraordinary things, that to me says more about the kind of country we have and the people that live in this country, and it's one of the reasons I remain forever optimistic about our fortunes and future as Americans.

Well, take a look at this CBS story. Take a look at it. What actually happened here? What actually happened here is that one of the time-honored, greatest institutions of highest repute in the history of media attempted to pass off a fraudulent story attacking a sitting president for the purpose of dooming his reelection in the middle of a campaign using forged documents. And look what happened. Ordinary people, sitting at home, with computers, were able to deduce in two hours that CBS was perpetrating a fraud on the American people. This would not have happened 16 years ago, it would not have happened 30 years ago. Independent of the existence of the Internet here. Of course, the Internet's ability and the rise of the digital world with the ability to make these instant comparisons and the fact that there aren't any 1970s typewriters around in great number to go forge things on, yeah, those are all factors, but still here you have by reputation the best, those that work at CBS. There's none better, that's why they're there ostensibly. Maybe some at CBS and maybe some at NBC, but I mean that's the pinnacle. You want to go into TV news, that's where you want to end up. These are the best of the best, and look what happened, ordinary Americans, using average, ordinary, everyday American products, a computer, a telephone line, American written software, have brought down one of the most powerful and unassailable institutions in the history of American media. And don't think they haven't been brought down. And they haven't yet, they're in the process. They've been cut down. Now, this is a classic illustration of what I mean. And this is not to criticize the bloggers by calling them ordinary Americans. I'm merely using this as a comparative term. To me, remember, the ordinary American is a person who makes the country work. The ordinary American you never hear of, who is by definition anonymous because nobody can know everybody. Here's who's making the country work. And look who brings down the great Tiffany network, CBS. It wasn't other news networks who doubted this. They're late to the chase. It wasn't CBS that brought themselves down in an effort to save themselves and get the story right. Nope, they were prepared to perpetuate the fraud. "The documents were true before they were forged, but they're still accurate," is the CBS line today.

And, of course, in the midst of all this, the same thing that's happening to the bloggers today is the same thing that happened to me 16 years ago. The bloggers, ah, you can't take these people, they don't have any checks and balances, they don't have any editors, they can say whatever they want, there's no guarantee of honesty. This is what the people at CBS say. This are the people that perpetrated the fraud criticizing the ordinary Americans who caught 'em. The ordinary Americans who caught 'em are there because they have been informed, attuned, sensitized to the operating techniques of CBS over the years.

Let's say the CBS does the story, the blogosphere ignores it. If the blogosphere ignores it, it's because there's no reason to suspect CBS. But there is reason to suspect CBS. Why is there reason to suspect CBS? Well, because enough people now know that CBS is not what it portrays itself to be. It's not a down-the-middle, objective bunch of journalists just standing on the corner telling us what goes on. They have an agenda designed to try to destroy President Bush. And they have now been discovered to be in cahoots with the Kerry campaign. And none of this would be known were it not for ordinary Americans, who have been characterized by a former CBS News executive, Jonathan Klein as just a bunch of people in their pajamas at their computer writing things at 12 noon, the pajamahadeen, they've called themselves. But there is no limiting ordinary Americans.

This little blogger story here can illustrate to every other ordinary American what is possible against these big, powerful, supposedly unassailable institutions, so big and powerful, nobody could get close to them, so big and powerful, they can't be defeated, they can only be stopped occasionally, it's not true. Ordinary Americans. And ordinary Americans have dragged, slowly but surely, other big institutions to the truth. The big institutions were the last to arrive at the truth, and some of them to this moment are still not there.

Now, I realize that within this new alternative media there exists some jealousy. I sense that some people don't want to give the blogosphere the full credit. They have to parcel it out because everybody wants a piece of the action, this is quite normal, this is human nature. The fact of the matter is it was the blogosphere and it was a couple of sites, power line and Free Republic, and the Free Republic has been one of the most impugned blogs, websites, in the history of websites by the very institution that's been brought down. When Dan Rather talked about partisan political operatives he means those who lurk at Free Republic. Who's Free Republic? It's ordinary Americans. Liberals look down on ordinary Americans, don't have enough decision-making power, do the right thing, not smart enough. You don't know how much it grates on them at CBS that it's something like Free Republic or one of their chat rooms or one of the Freepers there or the Powerline. You have no idea how it irritates them that that kind of person brought them down. The average, ordinary, untrained journalist, you just do not know how this irritates them inside, more than the fact that they got caught, it's who caught 'em that irritates them. And so just as I started out, I was a fad and I was a liar and I made it up and I was bad for America and I posed threats to democracy, as the cover of TIME said, so now the same things are being said did the bloggers. Fox News has had its turn, and we all continue rotating in the criticism carousel of the left. They'll take shots at this program one day or other talk radio hosts, they'll take shots at the blogosphere, then they'll take shots at Fox News, rather than clean up their own act. As long as that continues, their erosion will continue. Because the one thing I've learned is those of us in the so-called alternative new media, ain't going anywhere.


You know, Leslie Moonves, the president of CBS the whole shebang is out there saying, clearly something went wrong with the process. That isn't true. Nothing went wrong with the process. This is like saying democracy is corrupted by money. It's not. Democracy is corrupted by people. This is not a process problem at CBS. Well, I can understand that the process may have been corrupted, but how does it get corrupted? It gets corrupted by people with an agenda. This isn't a process that went wrong here at CBS, unless, as I just said, you know, it's the chicken or egg thing, which comes first, corrupt people that corrupt the process, or corrupt people? I mean, it's six of one, half dozen of the other. But again it's an effort to slough this off. Well, I guess our systems broke. The system -- the systems are people! The people broke down at CBS, and there's a reason they broke down. And everybody knows what the reason is. They wanted this story to be true because they wanted to get Bush out of the White House. They're in the tank for Kerry. There may be more eloquent ways to put it but they have a choice, they've made a choice.
Now, we live in America. Why shouldn't people have choices? Well, that's fine and dandy, but if CBS would just say, you know how to clear this all up? Really the best way to clear this all up for CBS, just say, yeah, we're for Kerry, and everybody would then understand. But it's this continued effort to persuade everybody that they are disinterested and don't care, that they are objective journalists, that they are unbiased and that they are uninterested, that's what causes them the problem. Because I don't care how stupid they think the American people are, we're not that dumb. You know, we see a freight train headed to our president, and we do our best to derail it. We're not stupid here. So if they just come out and say, yeah, we're in the tank for John Kerry, and you can look at our news in that light from now on out, fine, everybody would praise 'em for finally being honest. Of course they can't do it, because then the Shorenstein school and all these other journalism outfits would have heart attacks, and all the Pulitzer prizes that have been won would have been immediately rendered worthless.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Pictures Of The Day

More great pictures from You. The new website "Pictures Of The Day", will give us a place to share your pictures with others.

I Will Vote For This Dud

Can America Afford John Kerry


Opposite the Emmys, NBC showed "Titanic”. I saw a ship coming down, I thought it was the Kerry campaign.

President Bush still continuing to lead in the polls. In fact when John Kerry was told the latest poll numbers, he called President Clinton again. Not for advice, just to make sure he had his vote. "You’re still with me right?”

Did you know John Kerry is going to be appearing on "Dr. Phil” next week. Is that how bad his campaign is going? He needs grief counseling now?

What happened to John Edwards? You know, I thought you weren’t supposed to go into your secret location until after you’re vice president.

Let’s see what’s going on over at CBS News. CBS as of today which stands for "can’t backup story”.

Dan Rather admitted that he was misled about the authenticity of those documents. Dan was furious. In fact today he was talking about that 86 yr-old former Texas National Guard Secretary and he said, "The bitch set me up!”

Last night of course was the Emmy Awards. HBO won 32. NBC took home 8. And CBS News gave back 4.

Anybody watch TV Saturday night? I was watching the opening of the new Hooters in Atlantic City, no I’m sorry that was the Miss America Pageant.

Did you see the new swimsuits at the Miss America Pageant? Is it me or is this gig just a brass pole and a two drink minimum away from being a strip club?

Congratulations to Miss California who won the talent competition. Her talent staying a virgin in California for 22 years.

Congratulations this weekend to Britney Spears – not for getting married, for staying married so long. What is it 52 hours now?! Just a couple of hours from breaking the old 55 hour record. I think these kids are going to make it.

She married Kevin Federline who was her backup dancers, and apparently here backup husband as well.

Britney sent out wedding invitations, but only to her closest friends. Well they weren’t really invitations. It’s like a season pass. You’ll get into all the 2004 weddings. Any of the weddings up until January, you are in! Walk right up. Don’t even show anything.

Here’s an odd story - The Church of England is now sponsoring some kind of reality show called "Priest Idol”. I’m not making this up. It’s a reality show with priests, "Priest Idol”. That beats the original title "I’m an alter boy - get me out of here!”


Are you following the controversy here at CBS News? It’s nasty. There was the memos about President Bush’s National Guard service. And then it turned out that they were forged. CBS says that they were mislead in a colossal hoax. Coincidentally that’s the same thing they said in hiring me.

Last night was the annual Emmy Awards. You just got to love the Emmy Awards. Personally I think it’s about time these TV stars got some recognition.

The security at the Emmy’s was tighter than Star Jones dress.

The Emmy’s this year were so boring that I thought I was hosting.

The award for best supporting actress went to Mrs. McGreevey.

Award for best technical achievement went to Donald Trump’s hair.

CBS's Dan Rather Jokes

Rush: Is this bigger than Dan Rather? We can sit here, we can start making fun of this... and that is the next thing to happen. People are going to start making jokes about it, and they're going to be really funny jokes here and that's going to make the people at CBS even angrier.


Happy "TGIF” everybody – or as Republicans call it "thank God it’s a forgery”.

That was the big head in the "New York Times” said the CBS memos are "fake but accurate.” Fake but accurate? They’re like breasts in California. "Fake but accurate.

CBS has a new slogan, "truth, you can't handle the truth!"

Today Dan Rather got some bad news, he's being investigated by "60 Minutes”.

On "60 Minutes” the other night Dan Rather interviewed the 86 year old former Texas National Guard Secretary. And Mike Wallace was furious. In fact he complained to "60 Minutes” producers, "How come Rather always gets to interview the hot chicks?!

Here’s some good news - unemployment is down to 5.4% but a lot of people are still looking for jobs. If you’re looking for a job in TV, I understand "60 Minutes” needs a fact checker.

CBS News has a new slogan…."it seems real to us.”

The big story this week continues to be these forged documents that turned up on "60 Minutes”. Or, as the Democrats call them, weapons of mass "distraction”!

As I’m sure you know, there was speculation now that someone may have intentionally duped Dan Rather and "60 Minutes” cast by passing them forged documents. Don’t you hate to see these scams that target the elderly? It is wrong!

I think Dan’s getting a little desperate. Like today he produced another witness. This time he brought out "Joan of Arcadia” and she said that god told her the documents were real.

Dan Rather finally acknowledged there are "unanswered questions.” The last time they had this many "unanswered questions” on a TV show, Jessica Simpson was on "Jeopardy”.

I don’t know what the big deal is about these phony documents, I mean the last election we had phony documents too. Remember in Florida they were called ballots.

A lot of new shows premiering this week. CBS has a new news magazine coming out….it’s called "Dan Rather’s Believe It or Not”.

You all know CBS, which stands for "Can't Believe Story”.

There seems to be more and more evidence that those documents about George Bush’s time in the National Guard that they showed on "60 Minutes” might be fake. In fact, on nightline, Ted Koppel said the Kerry campaign put this stuff out forgeries would be "unbelievably stupid.” You know what this means? Bush is the smart one.

Let’s see what’s going on at CBS News.

I guess you’re familiar with these allegations that the bush National Guard records displayed on "60 Minutes” were fake. Hey, as long as we’re cracking down on fake stuff on "60 Minutes”, how about somebody looks into Mike Wallace’s hair? The guy is 86, it’s jet black! How did that happen?

Actually new documents surfaced proving that President Bush did not fulfill his National Guard service. CBS said they know they’re new because they were just printed over the weekend.

Did you hear this? "60 minutes” has a new policy. From now on they're going to spend at least "60 minutes” verifying their stories.

Monday, September 20, 2004

Kerry Sets a Record: 14 Flip-Flops in One Speech

At least no one can say Kerry is two-faced. He has so many more faces than that.
(See Photo)

Sen. John Kerry set some kind of record today in a speech to his fellow leftists at New York University. The Republican National Committee counted 14 flip-flops on Iraq.

NewsMax: Among the more egregious of the tragicomic whoppers noted:

Kerry now claims the "most important task" is to win the "war on terrorism." Yet Kerry, speaking to his pets at the New York Times in March, refused to call the war on terror a war, RNC recalled.

Kerry then: "The final victory in the war on terror depends on a victory in the war of ideas, much more than the war on the battlefield. And the war - not the war, I don’t want to use that terminology."

Kerry now claims Iraq was a "diversion from" the war on terror. On Dec. 15 he said: "Iraq may not be the war on terror itself, but it is critical to the outcome of the war on terror."

Kerry now claims Saddam Hussein's evil was not enough to justify war. Here's what he said in a speech July 29, 2002:
"I agree completely with this administration’s goal of a regime change in Iraq – Saddam Hussein is a renegade and outlaw who turned his back on the tough conditions of his surrender put in place by the United Nations in 1991."

Kerry now claims Saddam’s "downfall … has left America less secure." Oopsy: Here's his anti-Dean, anti-Saddam stand in December 2003, according to Newsday:
"Those who doubted whether Iraq or the world would be better off without Saddam Hussein, and those who believe we are not safer with his capture, don’t have the judgment to be president or the credibility to be elected president."

Kerry now claims the decision to go into Iraq was a "colossal" failure. Yet on Aug. 9, Kerry said that had he known then what he knew now, he would still have voted for the use-of-force resolution, according to CNN:
"Yes, I would have voted for the authority. I believe it's the right authority for a president to have. But I would have used that authority as I have said throughout this campaign, effectively."

Kerry now claims Saddam was not a "threat to our security." Here's what he said in January 2003, according to the L.A. Times: "If you don't believe … Saddam Hussein is a threat with nuclear weapons, then you shouldn't vote for me."

Kerry now claims Saddam's "capability to acquire weapons" was not reason enough for war. Yet according to the Congressional Record of Oct. 9, 2002, he called those who would leave the Iraqi dictator alone "naive to the point of grave danger."
And so on and so forth.

At least no one can say Kerry is two-faced. He has so many more faces than that.

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Kitten saved from the washing machine

(See Photo)

Ananova: A pub landlord accidentally threw his wife's kitten in the washing machine... then saved it with the kiss of life.

Stuart Warden, 43, could hear 15-week-old Frankie crying but didn't realise he was underneath a pile of dirty towels until five minutes later.

The ex-fireman, who runs the Swan Inn at Whissonsett, Norfolk, said: "Frankie was quite stiff but I thought I'd try mouth-to-mouth respiration. The vet said it probably saved his life."

ABC's Stephanopoulos's Sr. Producer Helps 'Set The Records Straight'

After a personal phone call and a large number of emails, Richard Harris Sr. Producer and our group has come to an agreement.

George Stephanopoulos at the end of his August 5th "This Week" Show, said, "We had 7 Soldiers Killed in Iraq Last Week".

On Monday, September 06, 2004, we wrote:
Stephanopoulos Lies Again About The Casualties In Iraq

After the email from Richard Harris,

On Wednesday, September 08, 2004, we wrote:
ABC's Stephanopoulos's Sr. Producer Said We Are "Beneath Contempt"

Next Richard gave us his source: The U.S. Department of Defense, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs), News Releases (Click Here)

After changing our calendar so the week now starts on Monday Aug 30th and ends on Sunday Sep 5th, their were 7 Casualties in Iraq.

So, George Stephanopoulos and his Sr. Producer Richard Harris did not lie. (You can only lie when you repeat a untruth, knowing at the time that it is not True).

For Richard Harris to boldly defend George Stephanopoulos and his show "This Week", speaks volumes about their character.

We have never had a producer defend so boldly as Richard Harris did. This is honorable. Richard has gained our respect.

Next time you view the show "This Week", when George is talking about casualties in Iraq, his face is not being shown. So George is not smiling when giving the casualty report.

Their are still 3 sets of numbers Department of Defense (9 Casualties), ABC's "In Honor Of" (8 Casualties) and United States Cental Command (2 Casualties).

Richard Harris said: We are not responsible for any numbers other than what comes out of George's mouth. The folks at ABCNEWS.COM are responsible for their own website.

CBS's Dan Rather, CNN's Crossfire and many others in the Mainstream Liberal Media should follow the example of George Stephanopoulos and his Sr. Producer Richard Harris.

If not, Bloggers everywhere will continue to examine every word, every sentence, every story and every forged document until we bring them down.

The Day the "Blogosphere" Took Down CBS News

CBS mess shows bloggers are Big Bang of Information Age

A WARNING TO LIBERAL MEDIA: Stop lying, stop spinning and start telling the truth (The Whole Truth) or you will go down also. We are here to stay and we are gaining in numbers every day.

Next, we need to get the Democratic Party to start telling the truth. If they do not, Democrats will continue to lose credibility with the honest people in America.

Read more on this subject in Related Hot Topics:

The Lifelike Corpse is CBS's Reputation

Begala's False Attack On Bush's Alabama Guard Duty

Thursday, September 16, 2004

The Lifelike Corpse is CBS's Reputation

The lifelike corpse is CBS's reputation. And it's not looking all that lifelike anymore...

James Lileks: Fake But Accurate

In any case, the whole “fake but accurate” line shows how tone-deaf these people are; it’s like saying a body in a pine box is “dead but lifelike.”

It boggles, it really does: the story is true, the evidence is faked, but the evidence reflects the evidence we have not yet presented that proves our conclusion... we’re telling the truth.

They just can’t give it up; they just can’t say the memos were typed by the guy in the “Dude, you’re getting a Dell!” commercial and leave it be, because that that puts the knife in the story regardless of what happened. So they keep going.

Look. They’re fake. CBS screwed the pooch on this one. They pursued the story for years, and in the end they lost perspective, just as lousy pilots become disoriented in bad weather and think they’re flying level when they’re actually heading down at a 45 degree angle.

Monday, September 13, 2004

Forging Military Records Is No Different Than Democrat's Suppression of Military BallotsBy Rick Erickson
September 13, 2004

At a recent rally to thwart Democrats' repeated attempts at blocking and stalling military absentee ballots, I had the honor of introducing Major General P.X. Kelley. General Kelley was the 28th Commandant of the Marine Corps and a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff between 1983 and 1987. He was traveling the country with three Congressional Medal of Honor recipients as part of Armed Forces Voter Week - a cause to ensure that military votes are counted in 2004.

The timing of General Kelley's rally on September 9, 2004, was significant. The preceding evening, NBC's 60 Minutes allowed a Kerry-Edwards strategist to libel and slander President Bush's National Guard service with military memoranda that mysteriously materialized right after polls showed Bush-Cheney with a double-digit lead in the presidential election.

By September 10th, the memos purportedly authored by the deceased Lt. Col. Jerry Killian were identified as forgeries by Killian's family and by independent document experts, who identified modern word processing characters in the memos. 60 Minutes stands by its story but has been unable to explain how Lt. Col. Killian could have used word processing software that did not exist when he supposedly wrote the memos in 1972 and 1973.

The third anniversary of the 2001 terrorist attack on America came only three days after 60 Minutes acted as a willing accomplice for desperate Democrat campaigners who would clearly stop at nothing to lie and cheat their way to the White House. At a time when the country was coming together again to mourn September 11, 2001, Democrats and their media allies were determined to divide America with lies about the president.

It is, of course, no surprise that Kerry-Edwards would resort to forgery to win the presidency. Recall that, in 2000, Democrat canvassing officials in Florida tried to disqualify over 1,400 military absentee ballots that were timely received but lacked postmarks. When veterans groups protested, vice presidential candidate, Joe Lieberman, was forced to acknowledge on NBC's Meet The Press that Florida officials should "give the benefit of the doubt to ballots coming in from military personnel."

Of the 1,400 votes that officials finally counted, 1,380 were for Bush-Cheney. Indeed, according to a recent American Legion poll, Bush-Cheney 2004 can depend on about 70% of active-duty service people's votes. Democrats will, therefore, stop at nothing again to keep those votes from being counted.

Compared to the 2000 election, thousands more service people are deployed and in need of absentee ballots this year. About 250,000 service people requested ballots in 2000, while 340,000 requests have to be met this year. Bush-Cheney's Armed Forces Voter Week was designed to serve those requests and, above all, to make sure that all 340,000 ballots are counted.

The Democrats are already stonewalling the effort. Theresa Petrone, a Democrat election commissioner in Chicago, advised the Associated Press that it would take "emergency legislation" for her board to count military ballots dated appropriately for November 2nd but received only days after the deadline.

It is an unfortunate thing that General Kelley has to stump for service people who, due to their deployment and service abroad, are absent from their regular polling places and must depend on election officials motivated to disregard military ballots. General Kelley, however, makes a compelling point: the oath he swore to protect and defend the Constitution has no end date, and his service to the military transcends his retirement from the Marine Corps. Election officials bent on disregarding military ballots are going to have to deal with General Kelley.

Election officials should also heed Senator Lieberman's "benefit of the doubt" rule when it comes to military ballots. If they do not, Democrats will continue to lose credibility with the electorate as a whole because it appears as though Democrat officials are willing to interfere again with service people's constitutional right to have their votes counted.

Forging Military Records Is No Different Than Democrat's Suppression of Military BallotsBy Rick Erickson
September 13, 2004

At a recent rally to thwart Democrats' repeated attempts at blocking and stalling military absentee ballots, I had the honor of introducing Major General P.X. Kelley. General Kelley was the 28th Commandant of the Marine Corps and a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff between 1983 and 1987. He was traveling the country with three Congressional Medal of Honor recipients as part of Armed Forces Voter Week - a cause to ensure that military votes are counted in 2004.

The timing of General Kelley's rally on September 9, 2004, was significant. The preceding evening, NBC's 60 Minutes allowed a Kerry-Edwards strategist to libel and slander President Bush's National Guard service with military memoranda that mysteriously materialized right after polls showed Bush-Cheney with a double-digit lead in the presidential election.

By September 10th, the memos purportedly authored by the deceased Lt. Col. Jerry Killian were identified as forgeries by Killian's family and by independent document experts, who identified modern word processing characters in the memos. 60 Minutes stands by its story but has been unable to explain how Lt. Col. Killian could have used word processing software that did not exist when he supposedly wrote the memos in 1972 and 1973.

The third anniversary of the 2001 terrorist attack on America came only three days after 60 Minutes acted as a willing accomplice for desperate Democrat campaigners who would clearly stop at nothing to lie and cheat their way to the White House. At a time when the country was coming together again to mourn September 11, 2001, Democrats and their media allies were determined to divide America with lies about the president.

It is, of course, no surprise that Kerry-Edwards would resort to forgery to win the presidency. Recall that, in 2000, Democrat canvassing officials in Florida tried to disqualify over 1,400 military absentee ballots that were timely received but lacked postmarks. When veterans groups protested, vice presidential candidate, Joe Lieberman, was forced to acknowledge on NBC's Meet The Press that Florida officials should "give the benefit of the doubt to ballots coming in from military personnel."

Of the 1,400 votes that officials finally counted, 1,380 were for Bush-Cheney. Indeed, according to a recent American Legion poll, Bush-Cheney 2004 can depend on about 70% of active-duty service people's votes. Democrats will, therefore, stop at nothing again to keep those votes from being counted.

Compared to the 2000 election, thousands more service people are deployed and in need of absentee ballots this year. About 250,000 service people requested ballots in 2000, while 340,000 requests have to be met this year. Bush-Cheney's Armed Forces Voter Week was designed to serve those requests and, above all, to make sure that all 340,000 ballots are counted.

The Democrats are already stonewalling the effort. Theresa Petrone, a Democrat election commissioner in Chicago, advised the Associated Press that it would take "emergency legislation" for her board to count military ballots dated appropriately for November 2nd but received only days after the deadline.

It is an unfortunate thing that General Kelley has to stump for service people who, due to their deployment and service abroad, are absent from their regular polling places and must depend on election officials motivated to disregard military ballots. General Kelley, however, makes a compelling point: the oath he swore to protect and defend the Constitution has no end date, and his service to the military transcends his retirement from the Marine Corps. Election officials bent on disregarding military ballots are going to have to deal with General Kelley.

Election officials should also heed Senator Lieberman's "benefit of the doubt" rule when it comes to military ballots. If they do not, Democrats will continue to lose credibility with the electorate as a whole because it appears as though Democrat officials are willing to interfere again with service people's constitutional right to have their votes counted.

Begala's False Attack On Bush's Alabama Guard Duty

CNN CROSSFIRE-Aired September 10, 2004 - 16:30 ET

BEGALA: Governor (Gilmore)...Why is it, then, that nobody from Alabama, where says he served can remember ever serving with him? Why do you suppose that is? Could it be because he never served in Alabama?

JAMES GILMORE (R), FORMER VIRGINIA GOVERNOR: Here's the facts. He served faithfully and loyally in the National Guard. He was a flyer. He did his training for many, many weeks. He was there in proper service.

I was in the regular Army. Senator Kerry was in the Navy. During that period of time, a lot of people served in a lot of ways and were faithful to their country. Frankly, it is a nonissue.

What is important is this. We have seen that the president has been a faithful, loyal, solid, steady commander in chief as president of the United States for the last four years. And that's why he's going to get reelected, because of the current service that he has had.

BEGALA: I'm sorry to interrupt...I need you to answer the question... But the question was, why do you suppose it is that this remarkable, personable young man who is remembered by everybody who met him says he served in Alabama, and not a single soul has come forward and said he served with him? I think it's a pretty conclusive proof that he didn't serve there, did he?

GILMORE: The fact is that all the records show that he served faithfully in the Guard. He was honorably discharged.


Governor Gilmore did not remember the name, Lt. Col. John "Bill" Calhoun, but we did
remember that "Bill" Calhoun came forward Feb 13th, 2004.

Former Guardsman: Bush served with me in Alabama

A retired Alabama Air National Guard officer said Friday that he remembers George Bush showing up for duty in Alabama in 1972, reading safety magazines and flight manuals in an office as he performed his weekend obligations.

"I saw him each drill period," retired Lt. Col. John "Bill" Calhoun said in a telephone interview with The Associated Press from Daytona Beach, Fla.

"He was very aggressive about doing his duty there. He never complained about it. ... He was very dedicated to what he was doing in the Guard. He showed up on time and he left at the end of the day."

CNN CROSSFIRE - Aired February 13, 2004 - 16:30 ET

NOVAK: Paul Begala and James Carville are AWOL today.

So, sitting in on the left is "Roll Call" columnist and democratic strategist Donna Brazile.

NOVAK: The White House has been taunted to come up with just one person who saw the president on National Guard duty in 1972.

Well, he appeared today. Retired Lieutenant Colonel Bill Calhoun told the Associated Press he remembers Bush fulfilling his training obligations in Alabama.

Colonel Calhoun distinctly remembers Lieutenant Bush. He told AP... quote: "He was very aggressive about doing his duty there. He never campaigned about it. He was very dedicated to what he was doing in the Guard. He showed up on time, and he left at the end of the day" -- end quote.

NOVAK: Well, that shut up the Democratic smear artists?

BRAZILE: Well, Bob, first of all, we're glad to know that President Bush took great care of his teeth while in Alabama.

NOVAK: Well, wait a minute. This -- wait a minute. You don't answer my questions. This colonel appears. He says he saw the guy, he was -- he was deputy commander of the unit. Case closed. This is over. We've got a witness.


Back To CNN CROSSFIRE-Aired September 10, 2004 - 16:30 ET

BEGALA: Well, Governor, if he served with such distinction in the Alabama Guard, even though there's no record he showed up, why doesn't he do like Kerry and campaign with a band of brothers? John Kerry goes around the country with the men he served with. Why doesn't George Bush show up with even one person who he served with in Alabama?

GILMORE: Because he is commander in chief.

And the fact of the matter is that, if you look at everything that he has done and the faithful way he served in the last four years in charge of this military and faithfully protecting the people against terrorism and the attacks on this country, which are real.

Paul Begala and James Carville are AWOL today. Did he watch his own show? Did he read a transcript of the Show? (Click Here For Transcript) Did he read any papers or watch news that day? It was story that

We need another congressional hearing to look into this. (just kidding)
Maybe CNN could send Paul Begala a Copy.

As Novak said: Case closed. This is over. We've got a witness.

Former Guardsman: Bush served with me in Alabama

By the Associated Press
Posted 2/13/2004 12:48 PM

A retired Alabama Air National Guard officer said Friday that he remembers George Bush showing up for duty in Alabama in 1972, reading safety magazines and flight manuals in an office as he performed his weekend obligations.

"I saw him each drill period," retired Lt. Col. John "Bill" Calhoun said in a telephone interview with The Associated Press from Daytona Beach, Fla., where he is preparing to watch this weekend's big NASCAR race.

"He was very aggressive about doing his duty there. He never complained about it. ... He was very dedicated to what he was doing in the Guard. He showed up on time and he left at the end of the day."

Calhoun, whose name was supplied to the AP by a Republican close to Bush, is the first member of the 187th Tactical Reconnaissance Group to recall Bush distinctly at the Alabama base in the period of 1972-1973. He was the unit's flight safety officer.

The 69-year-old president of an Atlanta insulation company said Bush showed up for work at Dannelly Air National Guard Base for drills on at least six occasions. Bush and Calhoun had both been trained as fighter pilots, and Calhoun said the two would swap "war stories" and even eat lunch together on base.

Calhoun is named in 187th unit rosters obtained by the AP as serving under the deputy commander of operations plans. Bush was in Alabama on non-flying status.

"He sat in my office most of the time — he would read," Calhoun said. "He had your training manuals from your aircraft he was flying. He'd study those some. He'd read safety magazines, which is a common thing for pilots."

Democrats have asked for proof that Bush, then a 1st lieutenant with the Texas Air National Guard, turned up for duty in Alabama, where Bush had asked to be assigned while he worked on the U.S. Senate campaign of family friend Winton "Red" Blount.

Pay and medical records released by the White House this week failed to quash allegations that Bush shirked his Guard responsibilities. (Related story: Bush's driving records disclosed)

The 187th's former commander, retired Brig. Gen. William Turnipseed, has said he doesn't remember Bush ever turning up on base, and more than a dozen members of the 800-person unit, including its commander, told The Associated Press this week they have no recollection of Bush. Critics have made much of the fact that the White House has failed to produce anyone who could remember seeing Bush there.

Calhoun said he contacted Texas GOP leaders with his story in 2000 when the issue was raised just before the November general election.

"I got on the phone and got information and called Austin, Texas, and talked to the Republican campaign. They said I was talking to the campaign manager," he said. "I told him my story and said I would be glad to provide information to that effect. At that time they said ... The story is not true. And we don't think it's got enough weight to stay out as a story.' And they said, 'But if it does we'll call you back.' And I never heard from them again."

Last week as the issue raged again, Calhoun sent an e-mail to the White House offering to tell his story. "I got a response back, one of those automatic responses," he said. It wasn't until his wife contacted Georgia GOP officials that Calhoun's name surfaced.

White House press secretary Scott McClellan said Friday that the White House was not making any effort to try to locate people who might have served with Bush. He also accused reporters of trying to raise new lines of questioning, beyond whether Bush served in Alabama.

Critics have suggested that Bush used his family connections to get the safe Guard assignment ahead of thousands of others. But Calhoun said Bush never mentioned his congressman father while they sat together at Dannelly.

"I knew he was working in the senatorial campaign, and I asked him if he was going to be a politician," said Calhoun, who is a staunch Republican. "And he said, 'I don't know. Probably.'"

Calhoun has not made any donations to Bush this election season or during the 2000 season, according to campaign finance records.

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Transcript for Feb. 8th
Guest: President George W. BushNBC News
Updated: 12:16 p.m. ET Feb.







Russert: And we are back in the Oval Office talking to the President of the United States.

Mr. President, this campaign is fully engaged. The chairman of the Democratic National Committee, Terence McAuliffe, said this last week: "I look forward to that debate when John Kerry, a war hero with a chest full of medals, is standing next to George Bush, a man who was AWOL in the Alabama National Guard. He didn't show up when he should have showed up…"

President Bush: Yeah.

Russert: How do you respond?

President Bush: Political season is here. I was — I served in the National Guard. I flew F-102 aircraft. I got an honorable discharge. I've heard this — I've heard this ever since I started running for office. I — I put in my time, proudly so.

I would be careful to not denigrate the Guard. It's fine to go after me, which I expect the other side will do. I wouldn't denigrate service to the Guard, though, and the reason I wouldn't, is because there are a lot of really fine people who have served in the National Guard and who are serving in the National Guard today in Iraq.

Russert: The Boston Globe and the Associated Press have gone through some of the records and said there’s no evidence that you reported to duty in Alabama during the summer and fall of 1972.

President Bush: Yeah, they’re — they're just wrong. There may be no evidence, but I did report; otherwise, I wouldn't have been honorably discharged. In other words, you don't just say "I did something" without there being verification. Military doesn't work that way. I got an honorable discharge, and I did show up in Alabama.

Russert: You did — were allowed to leave eight months before your term expired. Was there a reason?

President Bush: Right. Well, I was going to Harvard Business School and worked it out with the military.

Russert: When allegations were made about John McCain or Wesley Clark on their military records, they opened up their entire files. Would you agree to do that?

President Bush: Yeah. Listen, these files — I mean, people have been looking for these files for a long period of time, trust me, and starting in the 1994 campaign for governor. And I can assure you in the year 2000 people were looking for those files as well. Probably you were. And — absolutely. I mean, I —

Russert: But you would allow pay stubs, tax records, anything to show that you were serving during that period?

President Bush: Yeah. If we still have them, but I — you know, the records are kept in Colorado, as I understand, and they scoured the records.

And I'm just telling you, I did my duty, and it's politics, you know, to kind of ascribe all kinds of motives to me. But I have been through it before. I'm used to it. What I don't like is when people say serving in the Guard is — is — may not be a true service.

Russert: But you authorize the release of everything to settle this?

President Bush: Yes, absolutely.

We did so in 2000, by the way.

Russert: Were you favor of the war in Vietnam?

President Bush: I supported my government. I did. And would have gone had my unit been called up, by the way.

Russert: But you didn't volunteer or enlist to go.

President Bush: No, I didn't. You're right. I served. I flew fighters and enjoyed it, and provided a service to our country. In those days we had what was called "air defense command," and it was a part of the air defense command system.

The thing about the Vietnam War that troubles me as I look back was it was a political war. We had politicians making military decisions, and it is lessons that any president must learn, and that is to the set the goal and the objective and allow the military to come up with the plans to achieve that objective. And those are essential lessons to be learned from the Vietnam War.


In this week's Sunday Funnies, it's all about words.

The Tonight Show with Jay Leno

Leno: "Yesterday, President Bush … was talking about medical care and how too many doctors are getting sued. The doctors are getting sued all the time. And then … he just said something odd:"
President Bush: "Too many good docs are getting out of business. Too many ObGyns aren't able to practice their love with women all across this country."
Leno: "You know, maybe that's why they're getting sued!"

Late Night with Conan O'Brien

Conan O'Brien: "John Kerry's fighting back now. Yesterday on the campaign trail, John Kerry … said that President Bush's middle initial stands for 'wrong.' In response, President Bush said, 'My middle initial isn't 'R.'"

The Tonight Show with Jay Leno

Leno: "Well, John Kerry said at a recent campaign [that] the middle initial "W" of Bush's name stands for 'Wrong.' And Bush fired back in his typical style. He said the middle initial 'F' in Kerry's name stands for 'Phony.'"

Late Show with David Letterman

Letterman: "And John Kerry says that the 'W' in George W. Bush stands for 'Wrong.' But he still can't explain what John Kerry stands for!"


The Tonight Show with Jay Leno:

Leno: "Last night, Zell Miller after the speech just was crazy. Chris Matthews is trying to interview him."
Matthews [on tape]: "Let me ask you this about…"
Sen. Zell Miller, D-Ga. [on tape]: "Are you gonna shut up after you ask me? … I wish we could live in a day where you can challenge a person to a dual. … You're saying a bunch of baloney that didn't have anything to do with what I said up there."
Chris Matthews [on tape]: "No, no, okay…"
Sen. Zell Miller, D-Ga. [on tape]: "Get out of my face!"
Leno: "You didn't see this, but right after that the Secret Service had to take him down with a tranquilizer dart."

Late Night with Conan O'Brien:

O'Brien: "All this week, Republicans in town for the convention have been going to see The Lion King on Broadway. In order to make the Republicans feel more comfortable, producers went through the script and replaced the word 'Africa' with 'Connecticut.'"

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart:

Stewart: "How ugly did the night get? Dick Cheney was the good cop. But as is protocol, he was preceded by his wife, Lynne. Her very presence proved to the voters, well, he's never killed his wife."
Lynne Cheney [on tape]: "While most of the boys I knew saw the charm of driving back and forth time and again between the two A&W root beer stands in our small town, Dick did not. And when practically everybody in Casper, Wyo., did the twist, I can tell you: Dick did not."
Stewart: "And when all those young men were forced to go to Vietnam …"
Lynne Cheney [on tape]: "Dick did not."


Earlier this week, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger called state Democrats "girlie men" for failing to pass a budget by the state's July 1 deadline. Those comments raised the ire of the late night comics — and earned the governor a spot in this week's Sunday Funnies.

Late Night with Conan O'Brien:

O'Brien: "Now sir, you called these legislators 'girlie men.'"
Schwarzenegger impersonator: "They are. They are girlie men."
O'Brien: "Now sir, come on."
Schwarzenegger impersonator: "Girlie men!"
O'Brien: "Alright sir, that's ridiculous. You are a politician now. You have to be more diplomatic."
Schwarzenegger impersonator: "You know something? You're right. I should be more diplomatic so I don't hurt the feelings of these poor little girlie men."
O'Brien: "Sir, I am trying to help you. Stop calling them girlie men."
Schwarzenegger impersonator: "You're right. You're right. I should be more diplomatic. It is better to call them — They are more like sissy dudes or pansy guys

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Break Down Of The 1000

BROWN: Almost every weeknight for the last year and a half we have honored the men and women who have died in Iraq, who gave their lives, although as someone once said, "Nobody really gives their life. It is taken from them."

But as volunteers they left spouses and parents and children behind first to wait now to cope, so each night we remember just a half a minute or so at a time, 30 seconds a night.

If taken all at once, though, nearly two hours of names, which is one way of measuring the loss and here is another reported by NEWSNIGHT's Beth Nissen.


BETH NISSEN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): In the language of the military, they are the fallen warriors, the 1,000 U.S. troops who have died in Operation Iraqi Freedom, more than 860 of them since May 1st of last year when major combat operations were declared at an end.

Combat continued in the streets and alleys of Baghdad, in the hot dust of Fallujah and Ramadi, in the cemetery of Najaf. Troops deaths peaked this spring, 50 in March, 134 in April the deadliest single month of the war, 81 in May.

How they died is not always clear, the Department of Defense releases or in the fog of war on the ground. At lest 80 troops are listed simply as killed in enemy or hostile action. As many as one in five died the way soldiers have in every modern war, shot in firefights on patrol by snipers.

Another 125 were killed by rocket-propelled grenades, mortars. Almost double that number have been killed by one of this war's greatest threats, IEDs, improvised explosive devices, or homemade bombs. At least 237 U.S. troops have been killed by IEDs set along roads, thrown into vehicles, detonated on passing convoys. Vehicles are dangerous places in Iraq even in the absence of enemy attack. At least 107 troops, just over ten percent of the war dead, were killed in motor vehicle accidents when their Humvees and Bradleys and trucks collided in dust storms, rolled over on Iraq's poor roads, went off road and tumbled into ravines and canals.

Helicopters, another vital means of transport and supply, are also a constant danger. Eighty-three U.S. troops have died when their helicopters were shot down or crashed, 17 on one day alone last November 15th when two Black Hawk helicopters collided over Mosul.

In this war, in any war, there are accidents, non-combat deaths. In Iraq, at least 30 U.S. troops have died in accidental shootings, often as they or their comrades cleaned their weapons. Some of these weapon discharges were not accidents.

The Pentagon has confirmed that at least 26 Operation Iraqi Freedom troops have committed suicide. Other deaths have been caused by the same kind of accidents that might befall a population of 137,000 anywhere.

At least 16 U.S. military personnel have drowned in Iraq, crossing or swimming in rivers and canals. Seven were electrocuted. Troops in Iraq have also died of illnesses that claim thousands of civilian lives each year. At least 13 have died of heart failure, others suffered strokes, died of acute leukemia, cancer.

Who were these 1,000 Americans in uniform? The great majority, more than 720 were in the Army, the 101st Airborne, 1st Armored Division, 1st Infantry Division.

Since April when the Marines replaced Army units in the explosive Al Anbar (ph) province, a growing number of the dead have been Marines. More than 240 have died in Iraq so far 33 last month alone.

Every branch of the service has seen losses, the Navy, the Air Force, even the Coast Guard. Those fighting for the U.S. in Iraq and those who have died represent the American population in broad strokes.

African Americans accounted for an estimated 13 percent of the dead, Hispanics another 12 percent. Seventy percent of the war dead were Caucasian, white men. Only 22 of the military fatalities have been women, almost half of them killed when their convoys hit roadside bombs.

The common denominator for most of these casualties is youth. Just over half of those killed in Iraq have been age 25 or younger. The youngest were 18, 19 years old. At least 77 were teenagers, the oldest 51, 55, 59.

An unprecedented number of regular enlistees and reservists in the all voluntary military are older in their 30s and 40s and married. The Defense Department does not release information on families but, according to the Associated Press and reports in obituaries in local newspapers, more than 400 of the troops killed in Iraq were married, a third had children, most of them young. At least 389 children under the age of 12 have lost a father and five have lost a mother in Iraq. The numbers say so much and so little.

One thousand American lives lost, 1,000 individuals who had middle names that someone proudly chose for them, who had pictures taken on the first day of Kindergarten and at high school graduation, who had plans for the future, to be a police officer or a college student or a dad for the third time who wanted to serve their country and did at such great price.

Beth Nissen, CNN, New York.


John Kerry called Bill Clinton Saturday night at the hospital. They said that Clinton talked to Kerry for 90 minutes giving him advice. Clinton reportedly told Kerry to stop talking about Vietnam. Not during the campaign. Just during the phone call. "Will you stop? I’m in the hospital.”

Today John Kerry rushed to the hospital with chest pains after seeing his latest poll numbers. Oh man, doesn’t look good.

Bush is up 10 points, 11 points. Doesn’t look good. Not only is Bush ahead overall, he’s also ahead in a lot of key issues like Iraq, terrorism and the economy. But Kerry is ahead on grammar and pronunciation, and overall nuance.

President Clinton’s heart operation was a complete success and he’s expected to make a full recovery. He’s really doing well. In fact, he’s up and walking. In fact today Clinton was seen roaming the building with his hospital gown on backwards. He’s back!

The nurses have a nicknamed him "Sponge Bill No Pants”.

The doctors said, this is an amazing after open heart surgery, that Clinton could leave the hospital in four to five days. Although he told Hillary "I’m gonna be here for about three months.”

As you know, this whole thing came as quite a shock to most people because when you see Clinton, he looks great, doesn’t he? He’s slim, he’s trim, he looks like the picture of health. Here’s my question – what the hell is keeping Michael Moore alive?

Here’s an interesting fact, the Republican Convention boosted the New York economy $255 million. But the Democratic Convention in Boston only netted it $14.8 million. People wonder why it was so much less? Sure, Democrats don’t like spending their own money.

John Kerry has a new theme to his campaign, he says the "W” in George W. Bush stands for "wrong”. The wrong direction, the wrong policy. Gee I wonder if Bush will say the "F” in John "F” Kerry stands for "flip-flop”. Are these guys running for president of the 8th grade?

(Talking about the new Kitty Kelly book) That is quite a claim that Bush did cocaine and marijuana. And you know who’s going to get hurt by this? John Kerry – well sure, this means Bush could carry California.

People in Florida are still trying to recover from that Hurricane Frances. This is unbelievable. Ten billion worth of damage. Disney World down only received minor damage from the hurricane. Unfortunately, "It’s a Small World” was not hit.

Scary incident in New Brunswick, New Jersey over the weekend – "Sopranos” star James Gandolfini was in an SUV that was hit by a drunk driver. He’s okay. That’s actually refreshing – a celebrity involved in a drunk driving accident, and the celebrity is not the drunk! Has that ever happened?


Last week while the Republican National Convention was in town crime in the city was down by 40%! That’s if you consider prostitution to not be a crime.

A new study on television says that TV is linked to early teen sex. On the other hand this show is linked to 35 year old virgins.

Are you getting excited about the elections? John Kerry is slipping in the polls. He’s starting to lose confidence and you can tell because at campaign stops he’s now saying, "I’m just thrilled to be nominated.” That’s it, just thrilled to be nominated.

There’s a new book out that says President Bush used marijuana while in the National Guard. When President Bush heard the news he said, "See I told you I was in the National Guard!”

President Bill Clinton is recovering from bypass surgery. The doctors say he’ll be able to have sex in two weeks – and Hillary said, "If he does, I’ll kill him!

He’s recovering nicely though. He’s already hit on a chubby nurse.

Who would have thought that his heart would be the first organ to go out?


Former President Bill Clinton’s quadruple bypass surgery was a success – or as Bill calls it, "a four way”.

Kerry Only Served 3 Years, 18 Days Of His 6 Year Duty


John Kerry's Military Records

On 18 Feb. 1966 John Kerry signed a 6 year enlistment contract with
the Navy (plus a 6-month extension during wartime).

On 18 Feb. 1966 John Kerry also signed an Officer Candidate contract
for 6 years -- 5 years of ACTIVE duty & ACTIVE Naval Reserves, and 1 year of
inactive standby reserves (See items #4 & $5).

Because John Kerry was discharged from TOTAL ACTIVE DUTY of only 3
years and 18 days on 3 Jan. 1970, he was then required to attend 48 drills
per year, and not more than 17 days active duty for training. Kerry was
also subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Additionally, Kerry,
as a commissioned officer, was prohibited from making adverse statements
against his chain of command or statements against his country, especially
during time of war. It is also interesting to note that Kerry did not
obtain an honorable discharge until Mar. 12, 2001 even though his service
obligation should have ended July 1, 1972.

Lt. John Kerry's letter of 21 Nov. 1969 asking for an early release
from active US Navy duty falsely states "My current regular period of
obligated service would be completed in December of this year."

On Jan. 3, 1970 Lt. John Kerry was transferred to the Naval Reserve
Manpower Center in Bainridge, Maryland.

Where are Kerry's Performance Records for 2 years of obligated Ready
Reserve, the 48 drills per year required and his 17 days of active duty per
year training while Kerry was in the Ready Reserves? Have these records
been released?

Has anyone ever talked to Kerry's Commanding Officer at the Naval
Reserve Center where Kerry drilled?

On 1 July 1972 Lt. John Kerry was transferred to Standby Reserve -
On 16 February 1978 Lt. John Kerry was discharged from US Naval

Below are some of the crimes Lt. Kerry USNR committed as a Ready
Reservist, while he was acting as a leader of Vietnam Veterans Against the

1. Lt. Kerry attended many rallies where the Vietcong flag was
displayed while our flag was desecrated, defiled, and mocked, thereby giving
aid and comfort to the enemy.
2. Lt. Kerry was involved in a meeting that voted on assassinating
members of the US Senate.
3. Lt. Kerry lied under oath against fellow soldiers before the US
Senate about crimes committed in Vietnam.
4. Lt. Kerry professed to being a war criminal on national
television, and condemned the military and the USA.
5. Lt. Kerry met with NVA and Vietcong communist leaders in Paris,
in direct violation of the UCMJ and the U.S. Constitution.

Lt. Kerry by his own words & actions violated the UCMJ and the U.S.
Code while serving as a Navy officer. Lt. Kerry stands in violation of
Article 3, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution. Lt. Kerry's 1970 meeting
with NVA Communists in Paris is in direct violation of the UCMJ's Article
104 part 904, and U.S. Code 18 U.S.C. 953. That meeting, and Kerry's
subsequent support of the communists while leading mass protests against our
military in the year that followed, also place him in direct violation of
our Constitution's Article 3, Section 3, which defines treason as "giving
aid and comfort" to the enemy in time of warfare.

The Constitution's Fourteenth Amendment, Section 3, states, "No person
shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President
and Vice-President ... having previously taken an oath . to support the
Constitution of the United States, [who has] engaged in insurrection or
rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof."

A. L. "Steve" Nash, MAC Ret, UDT/SEAL SEAL Authentication
Team -Director AuthentiSEAL Phone 707 438 0120 "The only service where all
investigators are US Navy SEALs" www.authentiseal.org

Tuesday, September 07, 2004


Did you read this strange story – a woman was caught trying to pass a counterfeit $200 bill that had a picture of George W. Bush on it. Turns out there was also a John Kerry bill. It’s pretty realistic. Kerry’s on both sides.

And of course the big story – it looks like both John Kerry and Bill Clinton both have purple hearts.

President Bush got some good news on jobs today – it looks like he might be able to keep his.

Some good news - a Bush administration official said that we are moving closer to capturing Osama bin Laden. Well of course we’re moving closer, it’s almost Election Day. I’m predicting we’ll get him Monday, November 1st.

Were you shocked by that news? I was stunned when I heard Bill Clinton was in the hospital. I just assumed Hillary finally ran over him with the Mercedes. He looked so healthy.

President Clinton was admitted after complaining of mild chest pain and shortness of breath. And today Dick Cheney said, "Hey, for me that’s a good day….what a weenie.”

Apparently the warning signs were there. People said they knew something was wrong when they say Clinton grab his own chest for a change.

Luckily he was with a nurse at the time of the attack. He just happened to be with a nurse that night.

They said the operation went very well. The anesthesiologist had a news conference today, he was one of the doctors who had a news conference, he said Clinton had a little problem using the gas on Bill Clinton to put him under, they couldn’t get him to inhale.

That’s the thing, they couldn’t get him to go under. Luckily John Kerry called and spoke to him for about 10 minutes and Clinton was out like a light. Just bored him to death.

I actually called President Clinton’s hospital room today but he couldn’t talk. I couldn’t get through, he was busy giving the nurse a sponge bath.

I turned on the TV earlier today, and I saw a bunch of kids next to a tote board with millions of dollars on it. At first I thought it was the Jerry Lewis telethon. It was just a bunch of kids Michael Jackson’s paid off.

Kobe Bryant just got his first new endorsement – walking shoes.

Did you all have a nice Labor Day? Well, it's labor day, the day when Republicans traditionally thank their servants.

This is a worldwide holiday. In the U.S.A., the holiday is called ‘Labor Day’. In Europe, they call it ‘May Day’. And in India, it’s known as ‘we-work-really-cheap day’.

Here’s something that will help your appetite - in Thailand, a study shows that Buddhists that drink their own urine improve their overall health and slow the aging process. On the downside they had incredibly bad breath.

The way it works is - no one gets close enough to you to make you sick.

Paris Hilton is on the show tonight. You know why she’s on the show tonight? Just a little pick me up gift for President Clinton. I know he’s in the hospital. This will help the arousal process.


It’s Labor Day! So what the hell are you people doing here?

Hello and welcome to the show, my name is Labor Dave!

Aren’t you just happy to be seeing someone on TV that’s not in raingear?

No joking around though, Hurricane Frances went through Florida over the weekend. Frances caused $10 billion in losses. That’s like having Donald Trump run a casino.

Today is Labor Day, the day we honor the American worker by going out and buying stuff that was made in China.

We had the Letterman family barbeque and Uncle Earl had these deep lines on his face. I was worried, then I realized that he had just passed out on the grill.

Former President Bill Clinton had quadruple bypass surgery. He’s doing fine. Now I had quintuple bypass surgery. He had quadruple. Beginners! Everything went well though and doctors say that in 48 hours I can start making jokes about him again.

Did you know this? Al Gore had a similar procedure. Four years ago he had an Oval Office bypass surgery.


The latest from Washington – Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle says that politics is getting meaner and meaner. Senate Republicans responded by saying that Daschle makes a good point for someone that is ugly and probably gay.

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