
Thursday, July 29, 2004


As you know the Democrats are meeting in Boston this week for their convention and I this was nice. For an extra 50 bucks the hookers will dress up like Paul Revere.

We’re learning more and more about potential first lady Teresa Heinz Kerry. Very well educated woman. Did you know that? In fact she can say "shove it” in five different languages.

Talking about the incident today, John Kerry said he would never criticize his wife. When reporters asked him why, he said he had over a billion reasons.

Lance Armstrong is on his way home and he’s being called a hero for all Americans. President Bush called Lance Armstrong and asked what it’s like to win again in 2004? And then President Clinton called him and asked what it’s like being out with Sheryl Crow?


Have you been watching the Democratic National Convention? I haven’t seen this much excitement since the Dukakis-Bentsen era!

I didn’t see the convention last night. I was watching a documentary on condensation played on the Weather Channel.

Teresa Heinz Kerry spoke last night. She made the mistake of talking and holding a chihuahua at the same time.

Dennis Kucinich also spoke. The side effects of watching him included drowsiness, headache and sexual dysfunction.


John Edwards was asked to describe what it was like to be around John Kerry and he said, "He’s strong, he’s decisive, and he hogs the covers.”

Kerry missed 38 out of 48 meetings

Let's get some perspective from across the political river, shall we say. Republicans are also tuned in to the rival pep rally. And they're greeting the celebration with more than a little bit of skepticism. Earlier today on CNN'S "AMERICAN MORNING," we checked in with Republican Rudolph Giuliani, the former mayor of New York, and a prominent spokesman of the Republican Party.


RUDOLPH GIULIANI (R), FMR. MAYOR, NEW YORK CITY: Well, you've got to look at what people do, not what they say. John Kerry was on the Intelligence Committee for a large part of his career in the United States Senate.

He missed 38 out of 48 meetings. He was absent for them. John Edwards has been on for a short while. He's missed four of eight meetings of the Intelligence Committee, even since September 11.

So this interest in saying that they're going to prosecute the war on terrorism as effectively as President Bush, certainly is belied by the way in which they've acted in the past.

RUDY GIULIANI, FMR. NEW YORK CITY MAYOR: John Kerry would work "tirelessly" to deal with intelligence and to deal with the recommendations of the September 11th Commission. Well, you've got to look at what people do, not what they say.

John Kerry was on the Intelligence Committee for a large part of his career in the United States Senate. He missed 38 out of 48 meetings. He was absent for them.

John Edwards has been on for a short while. He's missed four of eight meetings of the Intelligence Committee, even since September 11. So this interest in saying that they're going to prosecute the war on terrorism as effectively as President Bush certainly is belied by -- by the way in which they've acted in the past.

President Bush, on the other hand, announced his purpose of destroying to the best that we can global terrorism, saying it would take four or five years to do it, and sticking with it when it's been popular and sticking with it when it's been unpopular, which is really the sign of a really true leader.

Wednesday, July 28, 2004


We’re in the middle of a heat wave here in Los Angeles. I tell you, it was so hot today, President Bush picked up a copy of the 9-11 report, just to fan himself.

I tell ya, I was sweating like John Kerry trying to get a personality before Thursday’s big speech.

Did you all see Hillary Clinton introduce Bill last night in Boston? It was like the party faithful introducing the party unfaithful.

There was one awkward moment when Hillary turned to Bill slapped him and said, "Which of your little whores gave you that tie!”

As I’m sure you know, former President Clinton spoke last night but he did not give the keynote address. Although I do understand he did give a key, a note, and his address to a waitress who was working the concessions stand.

I’m sure you saw this on the news last night the convention center was surrounded by police, FBI, they had sharpshooters on every roof top, security was tighter than John Kerry’s face after a Botox injection.

At the convention last night, Democrats were mad about all the good jobs lost because of Bush…..Whoopi Goldberg’s, Linda Ronstadt’s, Al Gore…. A lot of jobs….lot of jobs…

As you know Teresa Heinz has been taking criticism for telling a reporter to "shove it” the other day. You saw this on the news. Can you blame Teresa Heinz really? I mean what’s the point of having a billion dollars if you can’t tell someone to "shove it”. Not a lot of minimum wage people going "shove it”!

Did you see Kerry trying to throw out the first pitch at the Red Sox – Yankees game the other night. It didn’t even make it all the way to the plate. In fact, his pitch was so weak, today he was offered a contract with the Arizona Diamondbacks.

It looks like Lance Armstrong is on his way back to America for a well deserved rest. You know what I really admire about Lance Armstrong – finally an American in Europe who looks good in shorts.

I tell you this guy really is a hero because they treated him terribly over there. They booed at him, they called him names, they threw drinks at him as he went by. He said he felt like Linda Rondstadt.

President Bush is inviting Lance Armstrong to the White House. Not to congratulate him. To teach him how to ride a bike properly.

Did you hear about this? Yesterday President Bush fell off his bicycle again. In fact today the Secret Service said, "That’s it! The training wheels are going back on! You had a chance…third time…"

By the end of 2004, over eight thousand McDonald’s restaurants will be accepting credit cards. This will allowed American to combine their two favorite pastimes, going deeper into debt and getting fat.

I guess using credit cards is easier than teaching those kids to give change properly.

How does this work? If you miss a payment do they put a McLean on your house?

Coming out in a few minutes, we have the Governor of Kentucky Ernie Fletcher on the show. You know the difference between California and Kentucky? In Kentucky, when three-year olds are running fast, it’s called the Kentucky Derby. In California, when three-year olds are running fast, it’s called the Neverland Ranch.


It’s was cold here in New York City for this time of year. But not as chilly as that hug between Bill and Hillary last night.

There was one uncomfortable moment last night at the Democratic National Convention when Al Gore accepted the nomination.

Michael Moore is at the convention – which explains the tight security around the buffet.

John Kerry’s theme for the convention is "a lifetime of strength and service”. Is it really a good idea to run on an old Maytag slogan?

Did you see Bill Clinton speak at the convention last night? Did you see Bubba? Wooo! He had to stop 23 times for applause and 3 times for sex.


Teresa Heinz and Dick Cheney have formed a rap group.

Bill Clinton pumped up the crowd last night at the Democratic Convention. He had the crowd chanting, "Four more whores! Four more whores!”

Howard Dean is scheduled to speak tonight at the convention. He was given no time limit – just asked to turn off the lights when he leaves.

Teresa: Anti-war Protesters Are 'The True Patriots'

Teresa Heinz Kerry used her Democratic convention national debut to praise anti-war protesters as America's "true patriots," but couldn't find anything good to say about U.S. troops fighting the war on terror in Afghanistan and Iraq.

"In America the true patriots are those who dare speak truth to power," Mrs. Heinz told the convention crowd, after contending that the names of the dead on the Vietnam War Memorial "testify to the awful toll exacted by leaders who mistake stubbornness for strength."

"And that is why as president my husband will not fear disagreement or dissent," she pledged. "He believes that our voices – yours and mine – must be the voices of freedom. And if we do not speak, neither does he."

While Heinz Kerry had no trouble expressing sympathy for those working to undermine support for U.S. troops fighting abroad, the only time she had anything positive to say about America's military was when she talked about her husband winning his combat decorations "the old-fashioned way."

Oh, Deer: Steyn Shoots Down Kerry's Hunting Tale

Doh! A deer!

Apparently hoping to outdo Hillary Clinton's improbable attempt to reinvent herself as a duck hunter, John Kerry has tried to avoid alienating supporters of gun rights by depicting himself as a deer hunter. Mark Steyn will have none of it.

Steyn wrote in the London Telegraph yesterday:
"He was in Wisconsin the other day, pretending to be a regular guy, and was asked what kind of hunting he preferred. 'I'd have to say deer,' said the senator. 'I go out with my trusty 12-gauge double-barrel, crawl around on my stomach. ... That's hunting.'

"This caused huge hilarity among my New Hampshire neighbours. None of us has ever heard of anybody deer hunting by crawling around on his stomach, even in Massachusetts. The trick is to blend in with the woods and, given that John Kerry already looks like a forlorn tree in late fall, it's hard to see why he'd give up his natural advantage in order to hunt horizontally.

Oh, Pooh

"Possibly his weird Vietnam nostalgia is getting out of control. Still, if I come across a guy in the woods in deer season inching through the undergrowth with a mouthful of bear scat, at least I'll know who it is," Steyn noted.

Considering that these days Kerry looks more like a bunny wabbit than Elmer Fudd, perhaps he could use a refresher course from Gun Owners of America, which, by the way, he still hasn't met with, despite his phony claim that he'd meet with any critical group.

Update from a reader from Minnesota: "The fact that John Kerry claims he crawls around on the ground while deer hunting is less ridiculous than the fact that he claims to hunt deer with a double-barrel 12 gauge. Ask any hunter. You hunt deer with either a rifle or a shotgun slug (which you cannot do with a double-barrel shotgun). To a true deer hunter, Kerry's claim is even more ludicrious than Howard Dean stating that the book of Job is in the New Testament and then claiming he is a devout Christian. Kerry's statement clearly shows he has absolutely no clue about hunting."

Another reader responds: "Having deer hunted for many years here in Iowa (which requires the use of shotguns with slugs), I will correct the writer from Minnesota by pointing out that you CAN hunt deer with a double barrel - but doing so is the sure sign of an effete snob. Real deer hunters use pumps or semi-autos."

Holes In The Democratic platform

By AJC staff | Wednesday, July 28, 2004, 04:19 PM

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

There’s the Democratic Party platform. And then there is the Georgia platform, which everyone could see was full of holes.

State Democratic leaders took turns standing on a milk crate acting as a makeshift speaker’s platform at a luncheon Wednesday in a Boston McCormick & Schmick’s restaurant.

Hattie Dorsey, state party vice chairwoman, had to take her shoes off because her narrow heels went straight through the slots. That generated an immediate comment from Michael Thurmond, Georgia’s labor secretary: “Hattie’s got some real cute toes.”

Delegation chairman Calvin Smyre didn’t seem to mind though. “This is a nice platform,” he said, balancing himself. “We’re standing on a milk crate all the way to victory.”

Tuesday, July 27, 2004


Congratulations to Lance Armstrong! Won his 6th Tour de France! President Bush phoned lance immediately after his win. Which was a surprise. Not that Bush called him. That he was able to get past the French operator without hanging up on him. "This is President Bush. Click. Hello, hello…it’s President Bush.”

I guess Bush asked lance if he would be back next year. Lance didn’t know. Bush said "I know how you feel.”

Actually both Bush and Kerry said they were very impressed by Lance’s accomplishments. Well sure, neither one of them have been able to stay on a bike all year. They go 50 feet, bonk! "Hey how does he do it?”

Today the Democrats opened their convention in Boston. I can’t wait to find out who they’re going to nominate. It’s so exciting!

John Kerry decided on the new party slogan, "The Democratic Party - love it or shove it”.

Did you hear about this? Now it’s starting to get good. Teresa Heinz Kerry, Kerry’s wife, got mad at a reporter, told a reporter to "shove it”. It’s a shame how the one America talks to the other America. I wish these two Americas could just get together and iron out their differences.

This has not been a good year for political quotes. When I was a kid, I remember John F. Kennedy, "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” And those were great quotes. What do we have this year? We had "Shove it”, "girlie men”, and Dick Cheney saying "go f yourself.”

Here’s something I couldn’t believe. You know who’s in Boston to cover the convention. Al Jazeera, the Arab news network. Al Jazeera is being allowed in to cover the convention. Boy, how’d you like to be the guy in line behind the Al Jazeera crew when they go through security. "You gonna be much longer?!”

At first Democratic Party officials were reluctant to allow Al Jazeera in at first, because they thought their coverage would be biased and hostile. Then they realized, it couldn’t be any worse than Fox News.

John Kerry threw out the first ball before last night’s Yankees-Red Sox game in Boston. You probably saw that. In fact, Kerry asked "Where do you want me on the field? I can take any position.”

Actually, Boston is the perfect city for the Democrats. The Democrats are just like the Red Sox. They’re optimistic in the spring, concerned in the summer and ready to choke in the fall.

CNN announced that Bush’s missing National Guard records have been found! Here’s the amazing thing - you know where they found ‘em? Inside former National Security Adviser Sandy Berger’s pants!

As you know the 9/11 commission report came out yesterday. It’s 575 pages. President Bush said today he was surprised to find out it was a true story.

In beer news, Molson of Canada and Coors have announced they’re going to merge. And next week Schlitz is buying both companies to form a new beer company, "Schmoors.”


It’s a bad time to be in New York City. All the hookers are up in Boston.

Lance Armstrong won his 6th Tour de France over the weekend. It was a huge thing. Even President Bush called him. He thanked Lance for walking on the moon.

Remember when Saddam was found in a monkey hole a few months ago? He’s now being held in custody. Here’s how he spends his time. He writes poetry, he eats muffins, he water colors, and he does gardening – I think he’s had a queer makeover.

They say Saddam is demoralized and dejected…hey try a decade at CBS!

As you know the Democrats are having their convention up in Boston. Meanwhile the Republicans are down in Florida tinkering with voting machines.

2004 Democratic National Convention -- Official Program

(Sent to Us By Ed and Norma Bzdyk)

6:00pm - Opening flag burning ceremony.

6:15pm - Condemnation of prayer -Separation of State from Religion Speech

6:30pm - Anti-war rally no. 1.

6:40pm - Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.

7:00pm - Tribute theme to France.

7:10pm - Collect offerings for al-Zawahri defense fund.

7:25pm - Tribute theme to Spain.

7:45pm - Anti-war rally no. 2. (Moderated by Michael Moore)

8:25pm - Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.

8:29pm - Somebody calls AA and they come and drag Senator to their meeting.

8:30pm - Terrorist appeasement workshop.

9:00pm - Gay marriage ceremony.

9:30pm - * Intermission *

Caucasuses on anti-business, pro-socialism, growing the government, protecting the cock roaches, ban the SUVs, ban all form or recreation, etc.

10:00pm - Flag burning ceremony no. 2.

10:15pm - Re-enactment of Kerry's fake medal toss.

10:30pm - Cameo by Dean 'Yeeearrrrrrrg!'

10:50pm - Pledge of allegiance to the UN.

11:00pm - Double gay marriage cermony.

11:15pm - Maximizing Welfare workshop.

11:30pm - 'Free Saddam' pep rally.

11:59pm - Ted Kennedy returns and proposes another toast.

12:00pm - Nominations from floor for candidate. Ted Kennedy nominates Bush. AA is called again.

12:15am - Condemnation of prayer speech.

Thanks to Ed and Norma Bzdyk Of Milledgeville Ga

Ten Things You Won't Hear at the Cosmetic (Extreme Makeover) Convention

1. That The Unemployment Rate Today (5.5%) Is Lower Than It Was In 1996 (6.2%).

2. That The Inflation Rate Today (1.9%) Is Lower Than It Was In 1996 (2.6%).

3. That Mortgage Rates Today (5.86%) Are Lower Than They Were In 1996 (7.81%).

4. Jimmy Carter Bring Up Kerry's "Middle Class Misery Index."

5. Bill Clinton's Making Regime Change In Iraq The Official US Policy.

6. Criticism Of The Clinton Health Care Plan, Which Kerry Said Was A Major Cause Of The 1994 Democrat Losses At The Polls.

7. Al Gore Again Compare The Republicans To "Digital Brown Shirts."

8. Clinton Praise The Defense Of Marriage Act, Which Kerry Called "Gay Bashing," And Voted Against Before Clinton Signed.

9. Boston Mayor Thomas Menino Call Kerry's Campaign "Small Minded," And "Incompetent," Again.

10. Hillary Clinton Speak For less Than Five Minutes.

Friday, July 23, 2004


Sandy Berger has stepped down as John Kerry’s foreign policy advisor. I guess the Kerry people started to notice office supplies missing.

Do you know this story? Bill Clinton’s former national security advisor, Sandy Berger is now under investigation for making notes on highly classified anti terror documents and sneaking them out of the national archives and taking them out by stuffing them down his pants. What is it about these Clinton people always being investigated for something in their pants? Why is that?

Well there are the two big stories are about celebrities — Arnold Schwarzenegger and Martha Stewart. One is having problems in Sacramento with girly men, the other is going to prison with manly girls.

Martha Stewart said she’s writing the book about her trial to help others who find themselves in the same situation. She said it will have guidelines to help them through the process. Excuse me, but wasn’t she found guilty? Who’s going to buy a book on getting through the court system by someone who was convicted? You know who should be writing this book? O.J.! O.J. should be writing this book.

You know Martha Stewart’s empire is said to be worth a billion dollars. Or as John Kerry calls her, "The one that got away”.

In an interview with ESPN magazine, John Kerry says he learned about life from playing sports...Of course, the most frustrating thing about playing sports for John Kerry - finding a helmet that fits.

In fact, President Bush said today that because of Iraq and the war on terror, the moon is safer now that it’s ever been.

Four inmates at a prison in Rogersville, Tennessee are being accused of sneaking out of the prison buying beer and then coming back in. They didn’t escape; they snuck out, bought beer and then snuck back in. You know that’s not a prison, okay, that’s a dormitory.

Krispy Kreme has announced they are coming out with a drinkable version of their famous glazed donut. And you wonder why Americans are fat!

Who is this for — people who want the health benefits of donuts without having to waste all that energy chewing.

A toddler in the former Soviet Republic of Georgia has been found with two hearts. Two hearts. This is what happens when you get a good deal on a house near Chernobyl!

It’s now being reporter that Michael Jackson is about to become the father of quadruplets. That’s four babies. You thought it was bad when Michael was on the hotel balcony dangling a baby, now he’s going to be juggling them.


It’s hot outside. Days like this I’m glad that I have an icy disposition.

It’s so hot today that Martha Stewart is actually looking forward to the cooler.

The summer blockbusters are coming out. "Catwoman” is coming out. Here’s the plot of "Catwoman”, the villain tries to lure Catwoman into a trap with the sound of an electric can opener.

The United States is trying to block research on marijuana for medicinal purposes. This is according to scientists – if you consider Willie Nelson a scientist.


Michael Jackson is in the news again. "Us Weekly” reports that Michael Jackson and a surrogate mother are having quadruplets. They think Michael is having quadruplets because he’s adding four new balconies to his house.

Thursday, July 22, 2004

Urine can work on troops' new dried food ration

Ananova: US food scientists working for the US military have developed a dried food ration that troops can hydrate by adding dirty water or urine.

The ration comes in a pouch containing a filter that removes 99.9 per cent of bacteria and most toxic chemicals from the water used to rehydrate it.

The aim of this kind of ration is to reduce the amount of water soldiers need to carry. One day's food supply of three meals, weighs 3.5kg, but that can be reduced to about 0.4 kilograms with the dehydrated pouches.

The pouch - containing chicken and rice initially - relies on osmosis to filter the water or urine, says the New Scientist.

A hungry soldier pours dirty water into one end of a foil sachet containing two inner pouches separated by a membrane. The water seeps through the membrane into the dehydrated food on the other side.

As it dissolves large molecules in the food, it creates a very high concentration solution. The osmotic pressure created then draws more water through the membrane.

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Berger Took Secret 9/11 Docs on Five Occasions

Kerry campaign adviser Sandy Berger removed secret terrorism documents from a 9/11 Commission reading room on no fewer than five occasions, his lawyer Lanny Breuer admitted late Monday night.

Breuer told the Wall Street Journal that his client, who served previously as the Clinton administration's national security adviser, inadvertently removed several copies of an after-action report on the foiled 1999 Millennium bomb plot during two separate visits to the top secret facility.

Breuer said also that Berger deliberately removed handwritten notes that he made during three additional visits to the Archives last fall to review classified documents.

Breuer said removing those notes was a violation of National Archives policy, and that Berger regretted the action. "He knew it was a technical violation, and he admits that it was an error in judgment."

But according to New York civil rights lawyer Ron Kuby, Berger's decision to remove his notes wasn't just a "technical violation."

"You're not permitted to remove anything from that room - period," he said Tuesday morning. "And that means even your notes. If you're taking notes about classified information, those notes are now classified. They're placed in a secure area. You can have access to them only while being viewed by a security officer. Nothing gets removed."

Even if Berger had removed only his personal notes on classified material, it would still be a crime, said Kuby, who learned about classified reading room procedures during his own involvement in the trial of the 1993 World Trade Center bombers.

Read more on this subject in Related Hot Topics:

Kerry Flip-Flops, Dumps Berger

Berger's Disgrace Shakes Kerry's Campaign


Welcome to "The Tonight Show”. We’re in California, home of the girly men.

I’m very excited! We have Senator John McCain is on the program tonight. He was our 1st choice as a guest but as a backup we have John Edwards standing by in case he can’t do it.

You know about this – Governor Schwarzenegger is in trouble for using the term "girlie men” to refer to Democratic legislatures in Sacramento. Of course Democrats are now calling the remark, "homophobic”. You know even the "Queer Eye for The Straight Guy” guys are going, "Shut up! It’s a joke!”

I’m sure you know, Martha Stewart is going to jail. Or as she calls it, "J Mart.”

To their credit, K-Mart said it will stand by Martha. They are standing by Martha. And Whoopie Goldberg said, "Boy did I sign with the wrong company.

Here’s something amazing - Martha Stewart’s stock went up 30% after he sentencing. She made $77 million the day she was sentenced. In fact after she heard her stock went up 30%, Martha Stewart asked, "Could I get a tougher sentence?”

Isn’t that crazy? She’s going to prison and the company goes up in value. Here’s my question – can’t we get Alan Greenspan arrested on something, give the economy a boost? Book him on anything, use that Patriot Act….

Medicare has now decided to recognize obesity as an illness. Oh man, you thought Medicare was bankrupt before.

"I, Robot” was the number one movie in the country. At least that’s what my computer told me.


You know those raging wildfires heading for L.A.? Today the city did something about it. They had the L.A. P.D. beat the crap out of them.

Monday, July 19, 2004

Communist Party Helping Kerry

John Kerry has an interesting ally: the U.S Communist Party.

For the U.S. Communist Party Website (Click Here)

NewsMax: The official Web site of the U.S. Communist Party is listing the "Top Ten Reasons to Defeat George W. Bush," all of which are right out of the Kerry-Edwards campaign playbook.

The Communist Party urges communist readers to buy ad space in their local papers and publish the list in an attempt to help the Kerry campaign defeat President Bush.

And that's not the only connection between the Communists and the Kerry campaign. According to St. Augustine newspaper columnist D.P. Heimbold, Kerry's campaign theme, "Let America Be America Again," was borrowed from the title of a poem by Communist poet Langston Hughes.

Here are the "Top Ten Reasons to Defeat George W. Bush," according to the Communist Party USA:

1. Bush is destroying workers rights and outsourcing jobs instead of protecting the right to organize and creating new jobs rebuilding schools, bridges, roads and hospitals.

2. Bush is privatizing Medicare, Social Security and public education with phony reforms instead of enacting health care for all, protecting retirement funds and full funding for public education through college.

3. Bush is bankrupting the Federal Government with giant tax cuts for the very rich and super-funds to the military instead of securing the budget for human needs by taxing the rich and spending on human needs.

4. Bush is rolling back civil rights gains instead of enforcing and expanding affirmative action to end racism in all areas of life.

5. Bush is curtailing women's rights and choice by undermining Roe v. Wade instead of upholding the right to choice and ending the gender-wage gap.

6. Bush is abusing immigrant workers in low-wage jobs instead of providing a clear path to citizenship and equal rights.

7. Bush is exploiting and ruining the environment by protecting corporate polluters instead of conserving our natural resources for the public good.

8. Bush's war in Iraq is a disaster for our security and economy. He is pushing for more preemptive wars and for first strike nuclear military policy instead of negotiations and cooperation utilizing the U.N.

9. Bush is denying civil liberties and free speech in the name of fighting terrorism instead of repealing the U.S.A. Patriot Act and helping cities, towns and states fund firefighters and police.

10. Bush discriminates against gays and lesbians with a Constitutional amendment instead of expanding civil rights and liberties for all.

Had enough?

Read more on this subject in Related Hot Topics:

Why Are Democrats Using Communist Slogans?

Kerry honored at communist museum

Kerry said he had met with communist representatives


Hillary Clinton will not be speaking at the Democratic National Convention. They’re afraid she might overshadow John Kerry. Hell, I thought the guy doing sound checks could overshadow John Kerry.

John Kerry is getting a boost from the Edwards bounce because he picked John Edwards to be his running mate. Now don’t confuse that with the Clinton bounce that just gets you impeached.

What a beautiful day in New York City. It was such a beautiful day I didn’t mind getting thrown out of Hooters.

I’m excited; I just bought a new lemon zester at Martha Stewart’s Going To Prison Sale.

Do you like the street vendors? I went to one on my lunch break today. It was a guy with a cart. He made me this beautiful sandwich; he gets done and asks me, do you want garlic? I said sure – so he breathed on it.

A story in the "New York Times” says that the earth’s magnetic field is collapsing. Great – just when I bought a new magnet.

News from the world of agriculture - farmers are producing orange cauliflower. It’s a new color, but don’t worry kids – it still has that great cauliflower taste.

We’re now getting pictures back from Saturn. Turns out Saturn has more rings than Jennifer Lopez.

Mac Collins Polls has Double

With only hours left before the Republicans vote for U.S. Senate, Mac Collins is gaining fast in the Polls.

A Zogby International poll conducted last week for The Atlanta Journal-Constitution showed Collins at 8 percent, Cain had 16 percent. About 30 percent were undecided.

Matt Towery-Pierre Howard released a Republican Senate poll that has U.S. Rep. Mac Collins with 16 percent, Herman Cain with 20 percent and 18 percent undecided.

Clearly, Mac Collins has the momentum in this U.S. Senate Race. The Undecided has gone from 30 Percent to 18 Percent. Most has gone to Mac Collins, only 4 percent has gone to Herman Cain.

"I feel confident I'm going to be in a runoff with Johnny Isakson," Collins said as he shook hands at Suwanee's Family Day. "We're still in this race."

Story still developing ....

So come back to PeachyPolitics and look for Updates.

Read more on this subject in related Hot Topics:

Collins Determined To Win The Election

Mac Collins "Trailing, With Bases Loaded"

Watch New TV Ad - Mac Collins "Actions"

Sunday, July 18, 2004

Johnny Isakson's Mailer Attacks Cain

The Isakson campaigners justified the mailer by pointing out they had endured Cain's attacks on TV since early June -- and that several of Cain's charges were exaggerated or misleading. Tit for tat.

Jim Galloway and Tom Baxter AJC:
Herman Cain and the weekend of the long knives

Johnny Isakson put out a mailer that flirts with the truth:

Herman Cain "donated money to pro-choice Democrat Senator Kerrey," the flyer says.

Isakson has raised $5.5 million, but couldn't afford to insert "Bob" in the line above. As in U.S. Sen. Bob Kerrey of Nebraska, not U.S. Sen. John Kerry of Massachussets. Cain wrote the $250 check in 1993, when he lived in Omaha.

A spokesman for the Isakson campaign, which has decried negative advertising, saw no harm in voters thinking that Cain gave cash to the current Democratic presidential nominee. "Bob Kerrey and John Kerry are cut from the same liberal Democratic senate cloth," Heath Garrett said.

Cain "stood with Hillary Clinton and Ted Kennedy to extend [the] Iraq handover deadline," the flyer says.

At a May forum in Gwinnett County, Cain said he wouldn't oppose extension of the deadline. "Do it at the right time for the right reason, even if we have to move it," Cain said.

• Cain "ran for president against George W. Bush," the flyer says.

Bush announced the formation of an exploratory committee for president on March 2, 1999. Cain filed his papers 17 days later, and quickly dropped out.

• Cain "endorsed Bush's opponent," the flyer says.

Well, yes. But Isakson omits the word "Republican." Cain was behind Steve Forbes in the presidential primary.

"We have sought a positive discussion, but we have also repeatedly put our opponents on notice that we will defend ourselves if attacked," said Brad Alexander, another Isakson spokesman.

Friday, July 16, 2004

A little Texas humor to start your day...
(Sent to Us By Ed and Norma Bzdyk)

The Future of Texas

Please note that Texas is the only state with a legal right to secede from the Union (please refer to the Texas-American Annexation Treaty of 1848).

We Texans love y'all, but we'll have to take action if Kerry wins president over Bush. We'll miss you too.

Texas has given all those complainers plenty of time to get used to the results. After seeing the whiners along the campaign route, the folks from Texas are considering taking matters into our their hands.

Here is our solution:

#1: Let John Kerry become President of the United States. (all 49 states.)

#2: George W. Bush becomes the President of the Republic of Texas.

So what does Texas have to do to survive as a Republic?

1. NASA is just south of Houston, Texas. (We will control the space industry.)

2. We refine over 85% of the gasoline in the United States.

3. Defense Industry. (We have over 65% of it) The term "Don't mess with Texas," will take on a whole new meaning.

4. Oil - we can supply all the oil that the Republic of Texas will need for the next 300 years. Yankee states? Sorry about that.

5. Natural Gas - Again we have all we need and it's too bad about those northern states. John Kerry will figure a way to keep them warm....

6. Computer Industry - we currently lead the nation in producing computer chips and communications: Small places like Texas Instruments, Dell Computer, EDS, Raytheon, National Semiconductor, Motorola, Intel, AMD, Atmel, Applied Materials, Ball Semiconductor, Dallas Semiconductor, Delphi, Nortel, Alcatel, etc. The list goes on and on.

7. Health Centers - We have the largest research centers for Cancer research, the best burn centers and the top trauma units in the world and other large health planning centers.

8. We have enough colleges to keep us going: UT.,Uof H, Texas A&M, Texas Tech, Rice, SMU, Baylor, UNT, Texas Women's University, etc. Ivy grows better in the south anyway.

9. We have a ready supply of workers. (just open the border when we need some more).

10. We have control of the paper industry, plastics, insurance, etc.

11. In case of a foreign invasion, we have the Texas National Guard and the Texas Air National Guard. We don't have an army but since everybody down here has at least six rifles and a pile of ammo, we can raise an army in 24 hours if we need it. If the situation really gets bad, we can always call Department of Public Safety and ask them to send over a couple Texas Rangers.

12. We are totally self sufficient in beef, poultry, hogs and several types of grain, fruit and vegetables and let's not forget seafood from the Gulf. And everybody down here knows how to cook them so that they taste good. Don't need any food.

This just names a few of the items that will keep the Republic of Texas in good shape. There isn't a thing out there that we need and don't have.

Now to the rest of the United States under President Kerry:

Since you won't have the refineries to get gas for your cars, only President Kerry will be able to drive around in his 9 mile per gallon SUV. The rest of the United States will have to walk or ride bikes.

You won't have any TV as the space center in Houston will cut off your communications. You won't have any natural gas to heat your homes but since Mr. Kerry has predicted global warming, you will not need the gas.

Signed, The People in Texas

Thanks to Ed and Norma Bzdyk Of Milledgeville Ga

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Senate Intel Report: Saddam's Nuke Scientists Active Until War

While the Senate Intelligence Committee concluded on Friday that Saddam Hussein didn't have much in the way of weapons of mass destruction, its conclusions on Iraq's nuclear weapons program weren't quite the clean bill of health that the media have suggested they were.

For instance, according to the report's "Overall Conclusions" section, "Iraq was procuring dual use equipment that had potential nuclear applications."

What's more, the Committee found that "Iraq had kept its cadre of nuclear weapons personnel trained and in positions that could keep their skills intact for eventual use in a reconstituted nuclear program."

To be sure, the Committee managed to come up with alternative explanations for these developments, such as labeling Saddam's nuclear team "former nuclear scientists" who just happened to be working at "former nuclear facilities" while carrying out work unrelated to any weapons program.

But nowhere in the Committee's conclusions is there any mention of the 1.8 tons of low-enriched uranium that Saddam managed to accumulate at his "former" nuclear weapons plant at al-Tuwaitha. Just last month the U.S. Energy Department transported that stockpile out of Baghdad to prevent terrorists from getting their hands on it.

And neither does the Committee discuss the 500 tons of un-enriched uranium Saddam kept at the same facility - material that certainly could have kept those "former" nuclear scientists busy, especially if they were able to convert some of that "dual use equipment."

Of course, critics of the war say fears about Saddam's uranium stockpile were overblown, that the massive cache of nuke fuel was kept under seal and inspected annually by the International Atomic Energy Agency - even after U.N. weapons inspectors were kicked out in 1998.

That would be the same IAEA that did such a bang-up job of keeping tabs on North Korea's nuclear program for the last 10 years - right up until 2002, when Pyongyang announced, "Surprise, we have eight nuclear bombs."

UN Confirms: WMDs Smuggled Out Of Iraq

Vanguard, Ron Martin:

In a report which might alternately be termed “stunning” or “terrifying”, United Nations weapons inspectors confirmed last week not merely that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, but that he smuggled them out of his country, before, during and after the war.

Late last week, the UN Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC) briefed the Security Council on Saddam's lightning-fast dismantling of missile and WMD sites before and during the war.

UNMOVIC executive chairman Demetrius Perricos detailed not only the export of thousands of tons of missile components, nuclear reactor vessels and fermenters for chemical and biological warheads, but also the discovery of many (but not most) of these items - with UN inspection tags still on them -- as far afield as Jordan, Turkey and even Holland.

This is the biggest news story of 2004 so far. Yet you haven't heard about it, have you?


Have you been watching Kerry and Edwards on the campaign trial? These guys have done more hugging in four days than Bill and Hillary have done in 26 years?

Kerry is hoping that Edwards will bring in a lot of the female vote because of the way he looks. So Cheney and Edwards are both going after voter’s hearts…but Cheney is looking for a donor.

John Edwards said he was humbled when John Kerry asked him to be his vice presidential running mate. I guess so. You know what’s really humbling? When Ralph Nader asks you to be his vice president. In fact, that’s not even humbling - ego-shattering.

Thanks for coming out on such a hot day. What was it 100 degrees today? I know we joke about it, but we lost one man to the heat today – Shaquille O’Neal.

It was so hot, I was sweating like a U.S. track star trying to take a drug test.

I was sweating like Ken Lay watching an episode of "Oz”. That’s how hot it was.

I guess you heard it looks like Enron’s Ken Lay is getting a new cell number.

After 7 years as CIA Director, George Tenet officially resigned as of yesterday. His final words of advice to the agency were "Keep an eye out for this bin Laden fella, he could be trouble.”

Pope John Paul the 2nd has apologized to Istanbul for the sacking of Constantinople in the year 1204. How old is the pope? I knew he was old.

The Lakers announced over the weekend they agreed to trade Shaq to the Miami Heat. They figure Shaq could be the first dominating seven footer in South Florida since Janet Reno.

Kobe is really excited about the trade. He said he’s looking forward to having a new group of teammates not to pass the ball to!


John Kerry chose John Edwards to be his running mate. I haven’t seen this much electricity since Dole-Kemp.

John Kerry skipped a meeting over Homeland Security with Tom Ridge because he was too busy. John Kerry told Tom Ridge he was too busy to attend. You’re not supposed to ignore terror threats until after you become president.

This John Kerry and John Edwards ticket is going better than expected. The two have been everywhere together. In fact today they went to Massachusetts and got married.

It’s hot here in New York City. It’s lousy hot. It’s so hot that today they recommended that you wear the number 30 sun block. Tomorrow they are going to recommend that you wear the number 40. They do this each day – and on Wednesday they’re recommending that you wear A-1 Sauce.

The cicadas are finally gone. They came and made a lot of noise. Now they are gone and won’t return for 17 years. Which means the next time they return it might be in time for the Michael Jackson trial.


Ralph Nader and Howard Dean held a debate. They debated why they held a debate.

Courtney Love was rushed to the hospital today. I don’t know what condition she’s in but I think we can rule out "stable”.

Monday, July 12, 2004

Political Quickies (New)

JUDY WOODRUFF'S INSIDE POLITICS (CNN): Well, bumper sticker sales seem to mirror the political polls this year.

According to an Internet business in Washington State, a Seattle newspaper reports George W. Bush and John Kerry are neck and neck in sales at Bumperart.com, each getting 50 percent.

Almost all the stickers sold to Kerry supporters are actually anti-Bush. Only 1 percent are pro-Kerry.

On the other hand, Bush supporters are buying more pro-Bush stickers than anti-Kerry by a margin of more than two to one. Did you follow all of that?


John Kerry says that John Edwards is ready to be vice president. Ready? It takes a blue suite and pulse to be ready!

The big story in Washington is that the Bush administration is desperate to find Osama bin Laden before the election. They are said to be using all means possible to find him. In fact today they typed his name into Google – which is a start.

Earlier today Howard Dean debated Ralph Nader. Why?!

The Tour de France is going on right now. This could be the sixth time that Lance Armstrong rolls into Paris. Which the Germans only did that twice.

Tommy Chong is on the show tonight. He flew in on the red eye.

He brought a clip with him – a roach clip, but it’s a clip.

Tommy has been released from prison. He’s here tonight to tell his story. I think he got screwed. He feels that the government used him as an example to high profile celebrities. If you sell a bong you go to jail. If you murder your wife – hey don’t worry about that.

John Tesh turned 50 today. His wife gave him a present so that he could listen to his music in their home – an elevator.


Last night at a fundraiser in New York City John Kerry played "This Land Is Your Land On Guitar” while many celebrities sang it with him. Later Kerry admitted that much of this land is owned by his wife.


”People” magazine has come out with its list of Hollywood’s 50 hottest bachelors. Take it easy ladies – the first 25 are dating the last 25.

President Bush Discusses Progress in the War on Terror

Remarks by the President on the War on Terror
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, Tennessee

11:18 A.M. EDT


I've just had a close look at some of the dangerous equipment secured in this place. Eight months ago, the centrifuge parts and processing equipment for uranium were 5,000 miles away in the nation of Libya. They were part of a secret nuclear weapons program. Today, Libya, America and the world are better off because these components are safely in your care.

These materials are the sobering evidence of a great danger. Certain regimes, often with ties to terrorist groups, seek the ultimate weapons as a shortcut to influence. These materials, voluntarily turned over by the Libyan government, are also encouraging evidence that nations can abandon those ambitions and choose a better way.

Libya is dismantling its weapons of mass destruction and long-range missile programs. This progress came about through quiet diplomacy between America, Britain and the Libyan government. This progress was set in motion, however, by policies declared in public to all the world. The United States, Great Britain, and many other nations are determined to expose the threats of terrorism and proliferation -- and to oppose those threats with all our power. (Applause.) We have sent this message in the strongest diplomatic terms, and we have acted where action was required.

Every potential adversary now knows that terrorism and proliferation carry serious consequences, and that the wise course is to abandon those pursuits. By choosing that course, the Libyan government is serving the interests of its own people and adding to the security of all nations.

America's determination to actively oppose the threats of our time was formed and fixed on September the 11th, 2001. On that day we saw the cruelty of the terrorists, and we glimpsed the future they intend for us. They intend to strike the United States to the limits of their power. They seek weapons of mass destruction to kill Americans on an even greater scale. And this danger is increased when outlaw regimes build or acquire weapons of mass destruction and maintain ties to terrorist groups.

This is our danger, but not our fate. America has the resources and the strength and the resolve to overcome this threat. We are waging a broad and unrelenting war against terror, and an active campaign against proliferation. We refuse to live in fear. We are making steady progress.

To protect our people, we're staying on the offensive against threats within our own country. We are using the Patriot Act to track terrorist activity and to break up terror cells. Intelligence and law enforcement officials are sharing information as never before. We've transformed the mission of the FBI to focus on preventing terrorism. Every element of our homeland security plan is critical, because the terrorists are ruthless and resourceful -- and we know they're preparing to attack us again. It's not possible to guarantee perfect security in our vast, free nation. But I can assure our fellow Americans, many fine professionals in intelligence and national security and homeland security and law enforcement are working around the clock doing everything they can to protect the country. And we're grateful to them all. (Applause.)

To overcome the dangers of our time, America is also taking a new approach in the world. We're determined to challenge new threats, not ignore them, or simply wait for future tragedy. We're helping to build a hopeful future in hopeless places, instead of allowing troubled regions to remain in despair and explode in violence. Our goal is a lasting, democratic peace, in which free nations are free from the threat of sudden terror. Our strategy for peace has three commitments: First, we are defending the peace by taking the fight to the enemy. We will confront them overseas so we do not have to confront them here at home. (Applause.) We are destroying the leadership of terrorist networks in sudden raids, disrupting their planning and financing, and keeping them on the run. Month by month, we are shrinking the space in which they can freely operate, by denying them territory and the support of governments.

Dead Cat Bounce and the Squirming Democrats
By Carol Devine-Molin
July 12, 2004

Last week, I bet many who watch MSNBC's "Scarborough County" were in the mood to drop-kick host Joe Scarborough into the upper ethers, as he repeatedly insisted that the new Kerry/Edwards ticket was guaranteed an immediate 10 point surge in the polls, followed by an additional 10 points in the wake of the Democratic convention by the end of July. Thank heavens for Scarborough's two guests, Jack Kemp and Steve Forbes, who managed to dampen the fool's mania. As to Scarborough's know-it-all attitude and political projections, the cable host is being proven wrong by unfolding events.

The John Edwards Veep-pick of July 6 has failed to generate a big bounce in polling numbers. In fact, the Democratic presidential ticket appears headed for a "dead cat bounce", which is nothing more than a minimal bump in the polls that is expected to quickly revert to prior levels. According to an Associated Press piece dated July 11, "John Kerry's choice of John Edwards as his running mate was received favorably by the public, polls suggest, but it has made little difference so far in the race with President Bush. Kerry strategists are trying to lower expectations for a bounce in the polls that presidential candidates sometimes get after choosing a running mate or attending a convention."

The AP poll conducted July 5 - 7 had to be the most discouraging for the Democrats with Bush-Cheney in the lead at 49 percent, trailed by Kerry-Edwards at 45 percent. In the July 6 - 7 Zogby poll, Kerry-Edwards only pulled ahead of Bush-Cheney by two points, 48 percent to 46 percent, certainly within the margin of error. The Rasmussen's presidential tracking poll of July 11 was a little better for the Democrats, with Kerry-Edwards running at 48 percent and Bush-Cheney at 45 percent. It would be fair to say that this presidential race is still a virtual dead-heat. Many political analysts now doubt that the Democratic convention will create a double-digit surge in the polls, or one with any sustaining value. The Democratic Party bigwigs should be worried.

Despite all the media hoopla surrounding the newly dubbed John-John ticket, Senator John Edwards is a notably flawed Veep choice. He's only a first term senator with limited experience, and lacks salient national security expertise that is pivotal during this war on terror. Any levelheaded person knows that the ability to exert credible leadership is key during troubled times. On the question of Vice Presidential leadership in this upcoming election, the public has a clear opinion. The latest Newsweek poll rates Vice President Cheney as a considerably stronger leader than Senator Edwards, 63 percent versus 53 percent. In contrast to Edwards, Vice President Dick Cheney has a stellar background: He served in the Congress, as White House Chief of Staff, Secretary of Defense, and now as Vice President during crisis times.

Edwards is little more than a profoundly Left-leaning trial lawyer - He's for raising taxes, engaging in protectionism and enacting extreme social liberalism including partial birth abortion. These political positions are out-of-sync with mainstream America, and only diminish the Democratic ticket. The few notable assets that Senator Edwards brings to the table are his good looks, charisma and youthful exuberance, all of which are important during an election year. But in today's complicated and demanding world, these superficial attributes will not suffice for any VP that might be called upon to assume the mantle of the presidency.

What will immediately impact the Kerry-Edwards ticket? Senator Kerry particularly revels in running around the campaign trail accusing Bush-Cheney of misleading the public about WMDs in Iraq. Yes, the Michael Moore Left-wing crowd eats this stuff up. Never mind that the prior Clinton administration, the United Nations, and intelligence agencies around the world all believed that Saddam's regime was in possession of stockpiles of WMDs until Iraq fell. Now, the Senate Intelligence Committee has issued its official conclusions on the matter - The CIA was at fault. The agency was inept, devoid of any decent human intelligence, and it promulgated its inaccurate analysis on WMDs in Iraq.

Now let's wait-and-see how the Kerry-Edwards ticket and the Democrats squirm and spin all of this.

Simply put, President Bush was given bad Intel. Well knock me over with a feather! Predicting that the Senate Intelligence Committee would blame the CIA is like predicting that a strung-out Courtney Love will again get arrested. The inevitability factor is in play. Most Americans, with the exception of delusional Left-wingers, already knew the score on the CIA and had come to expect the Committee's findings. But it's still nice that the Senate Intelligence Committee has released its pre-war intelligence report at this juncture.

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Pastor Gets Prison For Sermon

Sentenced to month in jail for offending homosexuals

WorldNetDaily: A Swedish court has sentenced Ake Green, a pastor belonging to the Pentecostal movement, to a month in prison, under a law against incitement.

Green had described homosexuality as "abnormal, a horrible cancerous tumor in the body of society" in a 2003 sermon.

Soren Andersson, the president of the Swedish Federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender rights, said on hearing Green's jail sentence that religious freedom could never be used as a reason to offend people.


Well good news for John Edwards, it’s been 24 hours and John Kerry hasn’t changed his mind…..so it’s going to hold…it’s still holding

I want to see the vice presidential debate. I want to see the between John Edwards and Dick Cheney. It’s going to look like Dennis the Menace debating Mr. Wilson.

It now turns out John Kerry is twice as rich as previously thought. Remember they thought his wife was worth $500 million? Turns out now she’s worth almost a billion! Today President Bush said, see this is proof his tax cuts are working.

That explains why Kerry picked Edwards. Kerry is worth a billion and Edwards is worth $50 million so this way they represent both the haves and the really haves.

Have you been following the trial of Saddam Hussein? In an angry bitter tone, Saddam Hussein claimed he is the real president of his country and denounced George W. Bush as nothing more than a criminal. No, I’m sorry, that was Al Gore.

Today the Bush administration announced that gas prices have fallen for the sixth week in a row, and we can expect an continued downward trend . . . Yeah, right through, what, oh I don't know, maybe election day?

Today in Pamplona, Spain, the annual running of the morons got underway. The idiot running of the bulls, or, as the bulls call it, "revenge of the Atkins Diet.

Let’s see what’s going on in sports. The Lakers still don’t have a head coach. But hey, don’t have a team either so it doesn’t make any difference.

Bill Clinton’s book, god bless him, is even flying off the shelves here in Los Angeles. Which is amazing, cause people here don’t read. Normally the only time books fly off shelves here is during an earthquake.


It’s being reported that John Kerry and John Edwards are together worth more a half billion dollars. According to John Kerry and John Edwards that they are so rich now they are going to vote Republican.


It’s been hot here in New York City. It was so hot today that I called Oprah just for the cold shoulder.

It was so hot that J. Lo married an air conditioner salesman.

Edwards tongue isn't so much golden as it is forked

USA Today editorialized rhapsodically about Edwards' "youthful good looks, personal charisma and a golden tongue."

See where Edwards puts his millions

Jim Pinkerton: Pundits seem taken with the idea that Sen. John Edwards is a man of the people.

New York Times, Nicholas Kristof enthused, "He'll help with the Democrats' most crucial task: reconnecting the party to Middle American voters."

The Washington Post's David Broder praised Edwards' stump speech as "a thing of beauty - a populist depiction of 'two Americas' divided between the privileged and the working people.

But a look elsewhere in the newspapers shows a different Edwards. It reveals where Edwards puts his money, as opposed to his mouth.

It shows an Edwards connecting with big multinational companies to create jobs offshore. It shows an Edwards who divides himself between his political ambitions here at home and his financial ambitions overseas.

It shows that his tongue isn't so much golden as it is forked.

In 2003, as he sought the presidency, Edwards pledged to take the fight to "big corporations, pharmaceutical companies, big insurance companies, big HMOs."

But what he didn't tell his audiences is that at the same time he was investing his own money in big corporations - big foreign corporations.

How do we know this? We can peruse Edwards' 2003 senatorial disclosure forms, reprinted in yesterday's USA Today.

On page five of the paper is a list of Edwards' assets, including a holding... in "American EuroPacific Growth Fund."

Once we look at the prospectus, we learn that it's really the "EuroPacific Growth Fund." The prospectus tells readers, "Normally, the fund will invest at least 80 percent of its assets in securities of issuers located in Europe and the Pacific Basin."

Is this populism? Is that what a "man of the people" does with his money? Maybe it's standard procedure if you're like John Kerry, who married a multimillionaire, divorced her and then married a billionaire.

But Edwards, by his own repeated proclamation, was supposed to be something different.

In February, he wrote Bush a mocking open letter, asking, "Is it a 'good thing' that high-paying manufacturing jobs are leaving America and being replaced with low-paying services jobs?"

No, it's not a good thing. But deeds speak louder than words.

So the next time the North Carolinian asks his standard rhetorical question about the American people - "Will they have a president and an administration who understands their lives and who will stand up for them?"

He might be met with a counter- question: "Sen. Edwards, when will you divest your holdings in the EuroPacific Growth Fund? And in all other investments that create jobs overseas?"

Edwards is a hypocrite who got caught in a contradiction.

Now it's a test of the press, as well as the public: Will he be able to get away with preaching job-creation here at home while practicing job-creation abroad?

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Times to remember-When You wanted to " Sweep the Congress Clean"

Rulal Is going Republican- Look at Clay's Article.
Cathy-Remembered Mac on 92!

Zatby campagin in Atalante-But actived those he knew him in the rural in Ga.

Get out and for Vote Mac Collins

We all support Mac- Go for the Base!

Now is time to ask your supporters to get out an vote-Everyone
in Baldwin knows Mac- you can still have him. He needs to come
in First or Second- If not he will not be in runoff.

Appled to all forual supporteds.
They voted for you ten years in the past- now is time to stand
up stand up again- remember 92 sweep the house clean. Remember

Ask them You ... you want Isakson--^ Years? Or Cain "Zeor" Years.
Forget policatly - Only voters count!

Tell everyone-You want this- Bush needs you! More than enaything!

Bush needs strong support from the south- Time from for us to step forwanrd Now! Urgeant1 Now. You can't wait after july- it will be too lake! Mac needs it Now1

When he win in the primary or comes in secord he will beat Isakson- he is going for a " Not a runfoff- will you let
Isajson become another Moderate or Liberal agins.

Collins Announces Running Mate - Common Sense

ATLANTA - Congressman Mac Collins, Republican candidate for U.S. Senate in Georgia, announced today that he has selected his running mate for the Senate seat being vacated by the retirement of Zell Miller.

The six-term Congressman told supporters today that he had chosen Common Sense as his running mate for the campaign.

"Common Sense and I have been serving the people of Georgia for more than 20 years," Collins said. "In my 12 years in the House of Representatives, I have always tried to bring common sense values to any issue. It is only right that Common Sense and I continue to represent Georgia in the U.S. Senate."

"I have enough faith in the people of Georgia to use common sense when selecting their Senator on July 20," Collins said. "Six years is a long time to gamble on a moderate, who often voted with Cynthia McKinney, or someone who will say whatever he needs to get elected, but who has no voting record and is an unknown quantity.

Six years is longer than the term of President George W. Bush will be after his re-election, and whoever is elected to the Senate needs to be someone the people of Georgia can rely on to stand for their values no matter what kind of administration is elected in 2008.

I am the only proven bedrock conservative in this race, and Common Sense has served us all well for a longtime. I am convinced he will be a strong and valuable running mate in this election."

Confirming his position as the proven conservative Republican in the race, Collins has earned the support of the following six conservative organizations: Traditional Values PAC, 60 Plus Association, Free Congress PAC, Citizens United Political Victory Fund, American Conservative Union PAC and the Concerned Women PAC.

Since entering the race in September, Mac has earned the support of former Congressman and Secretary of the Army Howard "Bo" Callaway, who serves as Chairman of the Collins for Senate campaign. Collins has also earned the support of numerous conservative leaders from across the state including many long-time sheriffs, state legislators and local business leaders.

Collins is currently serving his 6th term in the U.S. House of Representatives representing Middle Georgia. He is traveling the state of Georgia with a conservative, issues-oriented campaign based on limited government, lower taxes, tort reform and local control of issues.

Creative Company Offers Alternative Ketchup for People Who 'Don't Support Democrats'

Jimmy Moore Talon News

EAGLE BRIDGE, NY (Talon News) -- Building on the excitement of election year politics, a company has decided to market an alternative ketchup for people who "don't support Democrats."

W Ketchup, produced by a company based in Eagle Bridge, New York, boasts that 100 percent of its product is made in the U.S.A., including the bottle.

"The leading competitor not only has 57 varieties, but has 57 foreign factories as well," exclaimed W Ketchup on its web site. "W Ketchup comes in one flavor: American."

The company inquires, "You don't support Democrats. Why should your ketchup?"

Since Democratic presidential candidate Sen. John F. Kerry (D-MA) has financially benefited from the ketchup fortune of his heiress wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry, W Ketchup wanted to provide conservatives with another option for their favorite condiment.

"Choose Heinz and you're supporting Teresa and her husband's Gulfstream Jet, and liberal causes such as Kerry for President," W Ketchup expressed.

Additionally, the company said consumers enjoy the taste of W Ketchup better than Heinz.

"In side-by-side taste tests of five leading brands, we found that W Ketchup is second to none," W Ketchup remarked. "You'll never go back to Heinz again!"

And a portion of W Ketchup sales go to support the Freedom Alliance Scholarship Fund, which provides scholarships to the children of soldiers who sacrifice their lives defending America.

Named after the "W" in Washington, D.C., W Ketchup is available exclusively on its web site. However, the company is hoping to place it in select stores soon.

So Many Questions About Cain

What people do not know is bout Cain. He said in the Dublin debate that he supported the extension of the voting rights act in 2007. The voting rights act authorizes the US Department of Justice control over the redistricting of State legislative districts and Congressional Districts before elections maybe held. It is where we get the Illegal gerrymandering.

Cain also supports affirmative action. He has stated and can be documented in news articles that he supports the Michigan Ruling on Affirmative Action.

The Michigan ruling disallows quota and percentages to be a mandate for Blacks to enter college or other programs where the affirmative action law was permissive.

However, the Michigan ruling allows race to be used as a preference on an individual basis. What is the difference if race may be a consideration? Individuals should be held to same standards with no preferential treatment.

Cain was also endorsed by Joe Beasly a leader in the Rainbow Push Coalition in the Atlanta area. Beasly has been very out spoken against President Bush.

Now what is wrong with that picture. Cain cannot serve both masters, the Republican President and the Rainbow Push Coalition.

Zell Miller
I love my party but hate what it has become

Published on: 07/05/04

I have been a proud member of the Democratic Party from the time I first breathed the Georgia mountain air. But lately I can barely recognize my once-great party. Between Al Gore's rants, Michael Moore's falsehoods, the felons-for-hire shenanigans of America Coming Together and Moveon.org's crazy conspiracy theories, the Democratic Party has become a coalition of the wild-eyed. Driven by a rabid desire to defeat President Bush, they seem eager to say and do anything to tear him apart.

All the loudmouthed liberals were recently shouting in unison. Gore accused Bush of deliberately deceiving the American people before the Iraq war. According to Gore, Bush made up connections between al-Qaida and Saddam Hussein to dupe us into Iraq. But as with so much of what Gore has said recently, it's just not true.

As the Republican chairman and the Democratic co-chairman of the 9/11 commission said countless times, ties between al-Qaida and Iraq definitely existed. What we're not sure about is whether Saddam had anything to do with the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001. And guess what? That's exactly what Bush said last year: "We've had no evidence that Saddam Hussein was involved with Sept. 11." So much for deception.

Hollywood sleazemonger Moore recently released his latest movie. It throws around rumors and innuendos, trying to blame Bush for the heinous acts of terrorists. No wonder the French gave Moore their highest honor for filmmakers. Moore operates in Hollywood cities, where reality plays second fiddle to whatever outrageous fantasy you can create. It is absurd to think that Bush is responsible for terrorism. It existed well before he came into office. He's just the first president who's going head-on after the terrorists to stop them.

Then there's the ultraliberal group America Coming Together. They don't officially work with any campaign, but the Associated Press reported that "ACT is stocked with veteran Democratic political operatives, many with past ties to [Sen. John] Kerry and his advisers."

Now these former Kerry advisers have come up with a brilliant plan to get him elected. They've actually been paying convicted felons to go door-to-door registering people to vote. Excuse me if I seem old fashioned, but I'd prefer not to have convicted felons showing up on my doorstep.

Unfortunately for people in Missouri, Florida and Ohio, that's exactly what's happening. And these aren't petty criminals. According to the Associated Press, these paid canvassers have been convicted of burglary, forgery, drug dealing, assault and sex offenses. Politics does make strange bed-felons.

And of course we've all heard the harangues from Moveon.org, the far-left political organization that tries to stir up anger about President Bush. These folks became famous when they put a couple of ads on their Web site that compared the president of the United States to Adolf Hitler. Then a few weeks ago, they hosted a big speech by George Soros, the billionaire bankroller of the Bush-bashers. Soros claimed that Bush's leadership in the war on terror has turned Americans from victims of terrorism into perpetrators.

As crazy as these charges sound, more and more they seem to represent the standard thinking among Kerry Democrats. After all, right before Soros spoke, one of my Democratic Senate colleagues introduced him by saying, "We need people like George Soros, who is fearless and willing to step up when it counts."

I'll tell you, if we need people like Soros speaking for our party, then we are in a whole heap of trouble.

It's time for responsible people to speak up and keep this election from becoming a sideshow of disgusting claims and hysterical attacks. More of my fellow Democrats — including Kerry — need to put America first and turn their backs on the wild-eyed partisans who want to tear us apart.

I still love the Democratic Party — the party of Roosevelt and Truman and Kennedy. But the more screaming and ranting I hear, the more I wonder whether those Democratic heroes of old would find much to be proud of today.

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Kerry: 'I Oppose Abortion' Because 'Life Does Begin At Conception'

Kerry, Wife at Odds Over Abortion

Bishop refuted Kerry's abortion stance

VP Pick Masks Kerry Abortion Flip

RUSH: You know what we're not hearing about today? Let me tell you what this vice president announcement today is all about. You know what we're not hearing about today? We are not hearing about John Kerry's flip-flop on abortion, and I am here to tell you, folks, when I heard about this over the weekend, I was doing handstands -- and that's not easy for me to do -- because this is an irreconcilable position he's got.

He's trying to do a (Former NY Democrat Governor) Mario Cuomo on this issue but it's not going to work. Once the artificial excitement -- and all this veep "excitement" is pure artificial. It's always happens no matter which candidate names a veep, there's always (a bounce) Don't be upset if there's a poll out tonight or tomorrow that shows Kerry's got the election won and we may as well cancel it 'cause it's over. Don't be worried about any of that. This is natural. There's always some excitement -- especially when your nominee is Kerry! I mean, they've actually got somebody on the ticket now that has a personality and so they're all excited on the Democratic side because they've got somebody with a little bit of charisma.

So you got a guy who thinks he's JFK at the top of the ticket. You got a guy who thinks he's RFK at the bottom of the ticket. Edwards is the fourth highest ranked liberal in the Senate; Kerry is first. So you've got the 1st and 4th biggest liberals in the country on the Democrat ticket. You have an anti-war activist and a trial lawyer as the Democrat ticket. If that doesn't say exactly who the Democrats are, nothing could. (noise) What was that? Your computer? Oh, computer burped, is that it? The mouse got screwed up again, huh? So anyway, he came out over the weekend, whenever this was, and he said that he believes life begins -- Kerry did – "life begins at conception," but that he's not going to impose his views on people! What good is "the view," when you're talking life! Life begins -- and he's still going to have his litmus test on judges to the Supreme Court! So what's the deal? It's another typical Kerry flip-flop, and I'll tell you what: the reason I'm not making that big a deal about Edwards today is because I don't believe that it's over.

RUSH: I want to go back to what I said at the very beginning of this program and that is that I believe one of the fundamental reasons the choice was made today was that Kerry really stepped in it over the weekend when he said, "Life begins at conception," because when you say that, you undercut the building block foundation of the pro-choice movement. With "life begins at conception," bye-bye any rational for abortion if you really believe it; if it's a fundamental belief that you hold. Now, he said it, and he can't take it back. Don't know why he said it. It makes no sense. All it's going to do is cause heart flutters and other bad things in his base. Well, I do think there's a reason. I think he's trying to mend fences with priests and the Pope and the hierarchy at the Catholic church, and he's probably -- it's a typical Kerry move. This is a flip-flop. He's going to go out there and say (Kerry sing-song voice impression), "Well, I belieeeve that life begins at conceeeption." Oh, really? "But I stiiill favor partial-birth abooortion, and I still favor a litmus test for pro-choice (judges)." Why? "Well, because I cannooot impose my religious views on Ameeerican people and Jews and Protestants and aaatheists."

You can't enforce the view or impose...? Well, then why are you going to impose your view on taxes on us? Why are you going to impose your view on France and Germany on us? Why are you going to impose every other view you have, but this one, you believe life begins at conception, you're not going to impose that on people? By the way, "impose"? Where does this word come from? You're not "imposing," anyway. You're supposed to be "leading." You're supposed to be sharing. See, this is what these liberals think. They have to impose their views on people, because they so oppose them. So he has to impose his views on us, otherwise we wouldn't accept them on our own. Just like they think we impose freedom on people around the world who live in dictatorships and under tyrants. But I'm telling you, this is going to come back. There are people that have not forgotten this.

He's trying to sweep it off the front page today with this VP choice. But this is going to come back, and he's going to have a lot of explaining to do, and he's going to be flip-flopping all over the place when he does it. I mean, this is extraordinarily cynical, folks. To sit out there and say, "I believe life begins at conception," and then to hold every view he claims to hold when it comes to aborting human life. I mean, he says -- and it's, by the way, more of the same. He says he's strong on defense, yet he's opposed virtually every major weapons program during the last 20 years. He said he believes marriage ought to be between a man and a woman, and yet he's opposed every effort to preserve the traditional meaning of marriage. Senator Kerry says he believes intelligence is "crucial" to winning the war on terrorism, yet he's voted to gut the intelligence services every chance he's gotten as a senator.

He says he has "conservative values," yet he has the most liberal voting record in the entire United States Senate. He opposed the war before -- he voted for it -- and he opposed Senator Edwards before he chose him! And now he's out there saying that life begins at conception. If you believe that, how can you be in favor of ending that life? How can you? And yet he's got to make this case. So when all this Edwards hubub is over, this kind of stuff, being stockpiled and he's going to be asked about it. He's going to have to explain it, and primarily for people on the left. I'm guaranteeing, when Kate Michelman and these babes at the NAGs (National Organization for Women) heard that, I guarantee you there were some red flag e-mails flashing around this country at all these liberal activists because that, folks, that is (exhale) you do not understand. That has the potential to be the biggest gaffe of this election campaign so far. Mark my words.

(Boston Globe: Life begins at conception, Kerry says)

Insight: Now Kerry Flip-Flops on the Beginning of Fetal Life)

AP: Kerry's abortion stance dogs him in visit)

Saturday, July 03, 2004

Kerry's Communist Slogan

William F Buckley Jr

A Campaign Slogan for Kerry
Some background on “Let America be America again.”

John Kerry has been in search of a line or two of American poetry to suggest the challenge ahead, most especially his role in it. There has been much effort on the matter by his staff, and they finally came up with what they were looking for. According to Kathleen Hall Jamieson, "an expert on political messages" quoted by the New York Times, the line the Kerry campaign was searching for had to have resonance with Americans who believe the country is being taken in the wrong direction. As Ms. Jamieson analyzes the line, "It suggests someone's hijacked the country, without being a frontal attack."

The line was first tried out by Kerry in Topeka, Kan., on the 50th anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education, and it seemed to glimmer on the candidate's lips, auguring a robust future. So Mr. Kerry used it again a few days later, and now it is being given very serious attention. The line is, "Let America be America again."

That phrase has something going for it. It was written by an American Negro poet, Langston Hughes (1902-1967). It is thought, in Kerryland, to be at once celebratory, poignant and galvanizing. "America" is cited, implicitly the paradise to which one should aspire, a great land that lies there waiting for us deep in coils of a lapsed American idealism, waiting to be revived by an inspired new champion.

But research on the phrase is not enjoined for the community that will sing it forth. The reason for that is that Langston Hughes wrote the poem "Let America Be America Again" in 1938, and it is not easy to summon to mind which America he was calling on his countrymen to restore, to be America again. There was little about America for the American Negro to celebrate in 1938 — unless you are willing to accept the proposition of George Washington Carver. Mr. Carver, scientist and philosopher, the son of a slave, said that American blacks had this to celebrate: that they had been plucked from African forests, brought to America, and baptized into the liberating faith of Christianity, which was the springboard for their emancipation. But Mr. Carver is not widely hailed by black Democratic progressives, the judgment on him being that he was too submissive to a culture that still practiced Jim Crow.

Langston Hughes, if he is in fact to emerge as the poet of the Democratic Party, will have to be bowdlerized. "Let America be America again" is a line from one poem Mr. Hughes wrote, and its vagueness is useful. But Hughes was not vague. And as for George Washington Carver's celebration of Christianity, Langston Hughes was, well, skeptical, as in the poem "Goodbye Christ" (1932):

Listen, Christ,
You did alright in your day, I reckon —

But that day's gone now.

They ghosted you up a swell story, too,

Called it Bible —

But it's dead now.

That exegesis of Langston Hughes would puzzle Democratic delegates in Boston in July, vibrant with life and mission. And it wasn't just that Langston Hughes had had a one-night stand with skepticism, along the way to capturing the need to let America be America again. No, Mr. Hughes had a very specific view about history, and his view was clear on the question of which historical road America should travel:

Christ Jesus Lord God Jehovah,

Beat it on away from here now.

Make way for a new guy with no religion at all —

A real guy named

Marx Communist Lenin Peasant Stalin Worker ME.

Langston Hughes was asking America to "be America again," meaning, not an America that history had known and chronicled, but an America realizable in a new and different vision. The land of Marx and Lenin and Stalin. Mr. Kerry's campaign team is going to have serious homework to do before introducing Langston Hughes as the poet laureate of the Democratic Party in 2004.

Chuck's Communist Manifesto

Hillary on the "Common Good"

Communism Lives In Democrat Party?

Here's the thing, the first thing that struck me -- and I want you to be sitting down for this, some of you libs out there. The first thing that struck me, and I don't know why, but I'm going to trust my instincts here. My instincts have gotten me everywhere I've been, and the first thing that struck me was this. For some reason, I flashed back when I first read this Drudge story today. I flashed back to the Reagan funeral week, and I remembered how everybody was praising Reagan -- me, too, I mean, I'm not disputing that this is factual -- everybody praising Reagan for ending the Soviet Union, for defeating the Soviet Union and ending the Cold War. Then, my thoughts went to Langston Hughes, the poet that the candidate, John Kerry, is quoting all over the place. "It's time to let America be America again," and if you missed yesterday's program, we had a great column by William F. Buckley, Jr., in which he quoted fully from the poem in which that little line is taken, and it proves conclusively that Langston Hughes was an anti-religious, anti-Christian, Marxist-Leninist.

So you've got a Democratic presidential nominee quoting from a poem written in the 1930s that is anti-America and pro-communist, Marxist-Leninist, what have you. All right. So follow me on this. So we've got the Democrat nominee openly quoting communist poets, and trying to misrepresent (laughing). Well, how else would you say it? Quoting communist poets who -- with this one line, "let America be America," and it sounds great. "Let America be America." You put it in the context Langston Hughes meant it, he wanted an America that was godless, with no religion, certainly no Christianity, and was Marxist, Leninist and so forth. So there's Kerry with that. Then we go to this little be of Mrs. Clinton, and we all know that Mrs. Clinton, we heard what she said in San Francisco. (story) She told fat-cat Democrats you might have enjoyed your tax cut -- I'm paraphrasing now -- but you be prepared because we're going to take that away from you "for the common good."

That's right off the communist manifesto. "From each according to his (ability), to each according to his needs," or some such thing. So my point is this, folks. We may have defeated the Soviet Union and we may have ended the Cold War, but the Soviet Union succeeded while it was around in planting a bunch of, uh...seeds, if you will, that have sprouted into adult Democrats. So while we got rid of the Soviet Union, we haven't gotten rid of communism yet. (Laughing.) It resides in the Democratic Party! (Laughing.) I mean, this is what flashed before me. So this is the ticket. They're thinking -- I mean, if the scuttlebutt in Washington is correct, we've got an all-communist ticket. What's the difference? Liberalism, socialism -- you got the nominee quoting a pro-communist poet. You've got Mrs. Clinton rewriting the communist manifesto out in San Francisco. You look at her health care plan and one of the reasons it bombed out is because it was based totally on that philosophy. So bring it on. (Laughing.) This ticket, if it happens, does not bother me. None of these people are going to intimidate me.

Why Do Terrorists Think WMD Are In Iraq?

RUSH: Two versions of the same story. This is the story that you might have heard early earlier this morning or sometime last night, that Polish soldiers last month recovered munitions containing deadly nerve agent cyclosarin and other things, in Iraq, and the first story today said (paraphrasing), "Well, you know these things are from 1988. They're old, and..." It's a Reuters story, "...and they have nothing to do with the weapons of mass destruction. They have nothing to do with the war in Iraq. It doesn't prove anything. Blah, blah-blah, blah, blah, blah." Really? 1988, sarin gas, the rocket shells in Iraq, weapons of mass destruction. Has nothing to do with it? The second incarnation of the story is this:

"Chemical munitions..." and this is the AP. "Chemical munitions found by Polish soldiers were being pursued by terrorists. [Italics added] Polish troops had been searching for munitions as part of their regular mission in south-central Iraq when they were told by an informant in May that terrorists had made a bid to buy the chemical weapons, which date back to Saddam Hussein's war with Iran in the 1980s, Gen. Marek Dukaczewski told reporters in Warsaw. 'We were mortified by the information that terrorists were looking for these warheads and offered $5,000 apiece. An attack with such weapons would be hard to imagine. All of our activity was accelerated at appropriating these warheads.' Dukaczewski refused to give any further details about the terrorists or the sellers of the munitions, saying only that his troops thwarted terrorists by purchasing the 17 rockets for a Soviet-era launcher and two mortar rounds containing the nerve agent for an undisclosed sum June 23," a little over a week ago.

So I have a question, ladies and gentlemen, because I don't know if you've heard this or not, but the military is going to show Michael Moore's movie (story | story | story | story | story | story) in a hundred-and-some odd, 149 of its theaters because it's popular here, and that's the way they do things. They take a cross-section of popularity in America and they give it to the troops in various places around the world. Now, we know that terrorists have seen this movie, right? Moore has actually been incurring -- what is it, Hezbollah last week actually offered to assist Moore getting the movie distributed when he was having trouble finding theaters. Hezbollah is the Lebanese terrorist organization, with roots to the PLO and suicide bombings in Israel.

Now, my question is this. Why would terrorists in Iraq think there are weapons of mass destruction there? Liberal Democrats in this country say there never were any, and there aren't any now. Michael Moore's movie says there aren't any there and there never were any there. Everybody around the world is saying, "There were no weapons of mass destruction! We were lied to! Bush made it up in order to build a gasoline pipeline (truth) in Afghanistan, or natural gas pipeline." All of a sudden they just keep finding these things and they find them in urgency because terrorists are looking for them and trying to buy them. Now, the terrorists must know that they are there if they're trying to buy them. So the question is, "What is it that makes a terrorist think that there are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq?" Ponder that.

Saddam's chemical weapons found by Polish troops

Official: Terrorists nearly got WMD

Saddam's WMDs are in Syria

Reuters: Polish Army Says Iraq Shells Had Deadly Cyclosarin

AP: Poland: Troops beat terrorist to chemical munitions in Iraq

Couric's Badminton Trumps Saddam In Court for NBC

NBC's "Today" show was embarrassed Thursday when it aired Katie Couric batting a badminton shuttlecock while its rivals showed the first footage of Saddam Hussein's court appearance.

"We made a mistake," said executive producer Tom Touchet. "In retrospect, I'd do it completely differently."

The first footage of Iraq's former leader since his capture by the U.S. seven months ago came into newsrooms shortly after 8:30 a.m. EDT. ABC's "Good Morning America," CBS' "The Early Show" and the cable news networks all showed the pictures immediately.
NBC stuck with feature stories on a Robert Redford movie and badminton, showing Saddam at the 9 a.m. newscast that opens the third hour of "Today."

Touchet gave no further explanation of the error. "Today" changed the West Coast feed of the broadcast to lead with the Saddam pictures.

Meanwhile, ABC scored a coup when anchor Peter Jennings attended Saddam's court hearing. CBS' Dan Rather reported on the appearance from an outside location.

NBC's Tom Brokaw, who had traveled to Iraq for this week's handover of sovereignty, left Iraq for the United States before the hearing because he was told only a pool reporter would be allowed in, NBC News spokeswoman Allison Gollust said.

If Brokaw was allowed - like Jennings - "maybe we would have done it differently," she said.

ABC said Jennings was permitted in by Salem Chalabi, director of the Iraqi Special Tribunal. Jennings had specifically asked for permission in an interview with Chalabi earlier this week, a spokeswoman said.

CNN's Christiane Amanpour was also in the court hearing. Like Jennings, she received permission from Chalabi, the network said.

John Burns of The New York Times was the pool reporter, in charge of reporting details from the inside to fellow journalists who are not allowed in.

It was a good week for Jennings and Amanpour: both also attended Monday's surprise ceremony where Iraq reclaimed sovereignty.

Sadiq Rahim, working for the widely circulated Iraqi newspaper Azzaman, was called a day before to attend the trial but was refused entry minutes before the start of the hearing, said Ahmed Abdul-Majeed, the paper's editor in chief.

"It is a surprising situation which pleads a logical interpretation," Abdul-Majeed said.

British television stations gave heavy coverage to Saddam's court appearance. Most used it as their lead story, and some conducted an analysis with linguists and body language experts to examine Saddam's words and demeanor.

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