
Monday, April 26, 2004

CBS Avoids Kerry’s Atrocities Claims, Paint Him as a Victim

CBS News' Jim Stewart reminded viewers that a "lot of veterans got mad at [John] Kerry" because of his 1971 Senate testimony.

Stewart skipped over the most controversial charges from Kerry -- the future Senator "claimed Americans regularly committed atrocities in Vietnam" -- and painted Kerry as a victim, who's currently "paying a price" for his anti-war activism of 30 years ago.

Stop, Stop, Stop, Kerry did not just "claimed Americans regularly committed atrocities in Vietnam ."

Kerry: Yes, Yes, I committed the same kind of atrocities

(Videotape, MEET THE PRESS, April 18, 1971):

MR. KERRY (Vietnam Veterans Against the War): "There are all kinds of atrocities and I would have to say that,"

"Yes,yes, I committed the same kind of atrocities as thousands of other soldiers have committed in that I took part in shootings in free-fire zones."

"I conducted harassment and interdiction fire. I used 50-caliber machine guns which we were granted and ordered to use, which were our only weapon against people.".

"I took part in search-and-destroy missions, in the burning of villages."

"All of this is contrary to the laws of warfare. All of this is contrary to the Geneva Conventions...."

Lieutenant Calley was tried for committing the "same kind of atrocities". Will Kerry, now be tried?

MSNBC: Kerry grapples with wars in Vietnam, Iraq.

Kerry on Meet The Press- Transcript for April 18 (Click Here)

Read more on this subject in related Hot Topics:

'Hanoi John'

Keen Focus on Lt. Kerry's Four Months Under Fire

Kerry in 1971: 'Our Democracy is a Farce'

When will the Media, GOP, and the Courts hold Kerry accountable for his own "Atrocities"?

Saturday, April 24, 2004

Kerry: Yes, Yes, I committed the same kind of atrocities.

(Videotape, MEET THE PRESS, April 18, 1971):

MR. KERRY (Vietnam Veterans Against the War): "There are all kinds of atrocities and I would have to say that,"

"Yes,yes, I committed the same kind of atrocities as thousands of other soldiers have committed in that I took part in shootings in free-fire zones."

"I conducted harassment and interdiction fire. I used 50-caliber machine guns which we were granted and ordered to use, which were our only weapon against people.".

"I took part in search-and-destroy missions, in the burning of villages."

"All of this is contrary to the laws of warfare. All of this is contrary to the Geneva Conventions...."

Lieutenant Calley was tried for committing the "same kind of atrocities". Will Kerry, now be tried?

MSNBC: Kerry grapples with wars in Vietnam, Iraq.

Kerry on Meet The Press- Transcript for April 18 (Click Here)

Story still developing……..

So come back to CBlountBlog and look for Updates.

Read more on this subject in related Hot Topics:

Kerry Inflates Combat Action in 'Meet the Press' Account

Kerry:"We were in combat. We were in a very, very - probably one of the most frightening - if you ask anybody who was with me, the two guys who were with me, was probably the most frightening night that they had that they were in Vietnam."

"But in his account to biograpger Brinkley, Kerry dismissed the altercation as "a minor skirmish."

"It was a half-assed action that hardly qualified as combat," he confessed, in a discrepancy first reported Sunday by FreeRepublic.com."

Kerry's War Wound Called 'Fingernail Scrape'

"Retired Lt. Cmdr. Grant Hibbard tells the Boston Globe that he can still recall Kerry's wound, and that "it resembled a scrape from a fingernail," the paper said."

"I've had thorns from a rose that were worse," Hibbard insists."

"Still, the former Navy man remembered that Kerry insisted on receiving a Purple Heart for the wound he said was incurred during a Dec. 3, 1968 skirmish with Viet Cong near Cam Ranh Bay."

"He had a little scratch on his forearm, and he was holding a piece of shrapnel," Hibbard told the Globe. "People in the office were saying, 'I don't think we got any fire,' and there is a guy holding a little piece of shrapnel in his palm."

"Kerry was awarded two additional Purple Hearts for subsequent wounds that have also been described as minor."

"He then invoked a little-used regulation that entitled a triple Purple Heart winner to return to the United States."

Former Sen. Max Cleland, a Kerry supporter who lost three limbs in Vietnam, was never awarded a Purple Heart.

Kerry: My Vietnam Med Records Already Public

"Asked if he would "agree to release all your military records," Kerry told NBC's "Meet the Press" host Tim Russert: "I have. I've shown them."

"In the next breath, however, a clearly agitated Kerry pulled back from the claim that he had publicly released his Vietnam records, telling Russert: "They're available to you to come and look at. ... People can come and see them at headquarters and take a look at them."

"Moments later Kerry seemed to suggest that he would not publicly release copies of the records to the press, saying, "I'm not going to ..., " before changing the subject in mid-sentence."

Kerry just opened up another can of worms. See how MajorMedia will not Cover this story.

Go to InternetMedia, Where Researchers, Analysis, and Bloggers go first for today's News.

Friday, April 23, 2004

Kerry: Yes, Yes, I committed the same kind of atrocities.

(Videotape, MEET THE PRESS, April 18, 1971):

MR. KERRY (Vietnam Veterans Against the War): "There are all kinds of atrocities and I would have to say that,"

"Yes,yes, I committed the same kind of atrocities as thousands of other soldiers have committed in that I took part in shootings in free-fire zones."

"I conducted harassment and interdiction fire. I used 50-caliber machine guns which we were granted and ordered to use, which were our only weapon against people.".

"I took part in search-and-destroy missions, in the burning of villages."

"All of this is contrary to the laws of warfare. All of this is contrary to the Geneva Conventions...."

Lieutenant Calley was tried for committing the "same kind of atrocities". Will Kerry, now be tried?

MSNBC: Kerry grapples with wars in Vietnam, Iraq.

Kerry on Meet The Press- Transcript for April 18 (Click Here)

Story still developing……..

So come back to CBlountBlog and look for Updates.

Read more on this subject in related Hot Topics:

Kerry Inflates Combat Action in 'Meet the Press' Account

Kerry:"We were in combat. We were in a very, very - probably one of the most frightening - if you ask anybody who was with me, the two guys who were with me, was probably the most frightening night that they had that they were in Vietnam."

"But in his account to biograpger Brinkley, Kerry dismissed the altercation as "a minor skirmish."

"It was a half-assed action that hardly qualified as combat," he confessed, in a discrepancy first reported Sunday by FreeRepublic.com."

Kerry's War Wound Called 'Fingernail Scrape'

"Retired Lt. Cmdr. Grant Hibbard tells the Boston Globe that he can still recall Kerry's wound, and that "it resembled a scrape from a fingernail," the paper said."

"I've had thorns from a rose that were worse," Hibbard insists."

"Still, the former Navy man remembered that Kerry insisted on receiving a Purple Heart for the wound he said was incurred during a Dec. 3, 1968 skirmish with Viet Cong near Cam Ranh Bay."

"He had a little scratch on his forearm, and he was holding a piece of shrapnel," Hibbard told the Globe. "People in the office were saying, 'I don't think we got any fire,' and there is a guy holding a little piece of shrapnel in his palm."

"Kerry was awarded two additional Purple Hearts for subsequent wounds that have also been described as minor."

"He then invoked a little-used regulation that entitled a triple Purple Heart winner to return to the United States."

Former Sen. Max Cleland, a Kerry supporter who lost three limbs in Vietnam, was never awarded a Purple Heart.

Kerry: My Vietnam Med Records Already Public

"Asked if he would "agree to release all your military records," Kerry told NBC's "Meet the Press" host Tim Russert: "I have. I've shown them."

"In the next breath, however, a clearly agitated Kerry pulled back from the claim that he had publicly released his Vietnam records, telling Russert: "They're available to you to come and look at. ... People can come and see them at headquarters and take a look at them."

"Moments later Kerry seemed to suggest that he would not publicly release copies of the records to the press, saying, "I'm not going to ..., " before changing the subject in mid-sentence."

Kerry just opened up another can of worms. See how MajorMedia will not Cover this story.

Go to InternetMedia, Where Researchers, Analysis, and Bloggers go first for today's News.

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Isakson is a poor Senate choice

"Johnny Isakson, who is running for the U.S. Senate, has a problem saying one thing to the people of Georgia and then voting differently in Washington D.C."

"In other words, Republican U.S. Rep. Isakson has one eye on the presidency, and he votes accordingly."

"Mr. Isakson is a Ted Kennedy liberal who voted consistently with the likes of Democratic U.S. Reps. Dick Gephardt and Nancy Pelosi on many key issues."

"Mr. Isakson voted three times to use taxpayers' money to sue gun manufacturers."

"He tells Georgians that we need to be tough on criminals, but at the same time he voted for President Clinton's gun-control bill of 1999, with ultra-liberals Ted Kennedy, Barney Frank, Dick Gephardt and Nancy Pelosi."

"Mr. Isakson, true to form, also is two-faced on abortion. Pro-abortion or pro-life, he swings both ways to fit the occasion."

"For the first time in my lifetime I will not vote for the Republican candidate for the Senate, if that candidate is Johnny Isakson. We cannot trust him to be tough on terror when he is soft on crime."

"There are two other fine Republican candidates for the July primary. I will vote for Mac Collins."

Milton Gresham, Evans, Ga.

East Cobb congressman (Johnny Isakson) criticized for missing hometown debate

"While three of Georgia's four Republican candidates for U.S. Senate debated in Marietta, one of the most high-profile candidates of the race was noticeably absent."

"My first question is, 'Where's Johnny?'" Cain said, in a tone similar to the opening line from The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson. "I believe the people deserve to hear from all of us. That's my first question, and there is nobody here to answer it."

Rep Mac Collins: "I wish my opponent could be here to speak on his record."

Look at CBlountBlog Wed Apr 07, 07:42:39 AM (Click Here)

Mac Collins: Voting record speaks for itself

By David Burch-Marietta Daily Journal Staff Writer

"In his campaign for the U.S. Senate, U.S. Rep. Michael "Mac" Collins says his record in Washington speaks for itself."

"During the course of the campaign, Isakson has been painted largely as a moderate Republican while Collins and Cain have been deemed the more conservative candidates headed into the primaries."

Collins said, "I had always voted Republican on the national ticket, but in Butts County, we didn't have enough Republicans to have a good meal together,"

"He was one of a number of members of Congress in Iraq when the president arrived to visit troops last Thanksgiving."

Look at Monday, April 05, 2004, CBlountBlog

Georgia Democrats have Johnny Isakson

Jeff Dickerson said: "Lots of folks say Democrats have no candidate in the Senate race. Wrong. They've got Johnny Isakson."

"Of course, Georgia voters don't know Denise Majette from Adam -- well, from Eve -- and they have no intention of giving her the nod over the likes of Johnny Isakson.... Doggonit, Denise! What were you thinking?"

Johnny Isakson is the Liberal Republican, running against Mac Collins for the U.S. Senate.

Isakson is not a "moderate"." He voted on opposite sides of most issues from Mac Collins and Saxby Chambliss.

Johnny Isakson voted on the same sides as Nancy Polosi and Dick Gephardt.

In a 1996 Senate race Guy Millner, said: "Isakson isn't conservative enough for Georgia."

Now, even Georgia Democrats think of Isakson as a Liberal Democrat.

Mac Collins's conservative philosophy won him a seat on the Ways and Means Committee, serving on the subcommittees for Social Security and Select Revenue Measures.

Mac is on the House permanent Select Committee on Intelligence; and serves as Deputy Majority Whip and Regional Representative to the GOP Steering Committee in the Republican leadership. Mac is serving his sixth term in the United States Congress. (Click Here) For his new website- ibackmac.com.

Johnny Isakson's voting record will also speak for itself.

Johnny, you are not a "moderate", when you vote on the same sides as Nancy Polosi and opposite sides of most issues from President Bush and Saxby Chambliss.

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